[h3][url=https://youtu.be/tHIQdXyNxwY]Sato Hashimoto // Noodle Shop[/url][/h3] Their food arrived pretty quickly, though Sato didn't really take note until he had finished talking. Sliding his bowl a little closer, Sato took a mouthful of the noodles as Mako started talking. The first thing Sato thought of was that he'd much rather have [color=slategray][s]Mako's noodles[/s][/color] something as spicy as what Mako ordered. The fish dish he'd gotten was tragically bland, which was disappointing as the last thing he had at this place was pretty good. More importantly however, Mako confirmed that all that information, while clearly essential to the case, didn't really go anywhere yet. Something Sato didn't really think about was psychology, but as Mako brought up, it was possibly relevant. It might've been confirmation bias, but the term 'persona' did seem vaguely familiar. They might've read something about it some time in school, but as far as Sato could remember, it was just something he didn't know. "Now that you mention it, the dungeons and the shadows were eerily close. There's no way someone else would be able to find out about things like that, so it has to do with the victims themselves." Sato reiterated, propping up his chin with one hand as he continued eating the soba. It was almost... a good thing that they hadn't seen each other's shadows. It was a bit less awkward that way, but in a way, that left a bit of an awkward hole in the conversations. "I'll leave the research to you, as you seem to be a bit more knowledgeable on the subject. As the past proves, I'm not too great at this occult research stuff." The third-year gave a small nod, a bit distracted by trying to get through his meal. It was a bit greasy too. Did they have a different cook this time? "Seeing as personas are indeed only usable in the mirror world, I'm going to say nobody's going to be creating tornadoes around down-town any time soon. But yeah, it's best to have some kind of weapon of your own, for both this side and that one. A persona can't protect you from everything." With all that said, Sato couldn't think of much more else they really needed to cover. There was still the matter of things like the weird velvet room, the key, the arcana, etcetera, but that was still beyond the comprehension of anyone on the team. Everything he could explain about the situation had been said. Sato set down his pair of chopsticks, though he didn't look up from his food. "It was hardly rambling, at least in my opinion. Considering the danger of the mirror world, it's best you have as little confusion as possible. Though, nothing's gonna stop it from feeling like some weird nightmare at first. Or maybe that was just me... Either way. It'll feel bad at first, but we can't afford to slip up on a rescue, as it's only going to get harder from here on out. With the cult's activity on the rise, the team's only going to get more and more busy." The teen's eyes didn't falter from staring at the deep-fried shrimp littering the bowl of noodles. "Oh, and speaking of that, you'll get a call or text whenever the team needs to go into mirror world. You don't [i]have[/i] to be there if you're doing something important, but every person we're down makes it a little more dangerous. Plus, not everyone is as dedicated as you or I might be anymore..." "Funny how I started rambling as soon as I said you weren't." He gave a light laugh, amused by what he said. Even if the food wasn't particularly great, the outing was nice. Talking it all over with someone felt comforting, even if nothing was actually solved. It just made him feel a bit better knowing they were now equally confused. "Anyways, I never asked; how's your food? Mine's... not as great as I wanted."