[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color] and [color=00a651]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [@Ammokkx] [@Scarifar] [@Vancexentan] [@Eklispe] [@Jangel13] [@Tojin] [@The Irish Tree] [@LunarStandard][/center] Joshua had spent the last few days in relative piece, keeping to himself and modifying his new duel disk a bit. While he had gotten a lot of flak about how he had won the race, he generally ignored it and let people say what they wanted. He had won by using a flaw in the course to his advantage. Anyone else could've done it, he simply did it first. Since the judges saw nothing wrong with what he did, he had won, probably not so fair but definitely square. Following the victory, he had celebrated by buying some new cards. While he didn't add the monsters to his deck, since they wouldn't add much in terms of consistency yet, he did add the Polymerization to the deck, replacing the Fusion Weapon that had come in it. He also added his new Adrenaline Rusher fusion monster to his deck as well as a Frightfur Wolf he had found in his collection. So while it hadn't changed much, the small changes might help a lot in the end. He had also managed to get his hands on some spray paint and, after careful research, he had repainted the cream duel disk to black with silver highlights. Right now, he was leaning by the door that led out of Haas' little gathering. While the kid's reason for gathering them was kinda vague and up in the air, he got the gist of it. One of the people in the group, a boy a few years older then him by the looks of it, spoke up and supported it, and Joshua couldn't help but smile at the boy's enthusiasm. Another boy, this one closer to his own age, openly mocked the group before leaving. As he passed, Joshua couldn't help but throw out a shot at the kid. "[color=ed1c24]For someone who isn't a follower, you're a good little doggy when it comes to doing as the teachers tell you[/color]." He said before moving over to the other members of the group. Looking at Haas, he smiled. "[color=ed1c24]Ignoring the guy who has distastefully, and thankfully, removed himself from this room, I wouldn't mind supporting your idea. While I think investigating the Dark Dorm might not a good idea, simply because that's something that should be left to the faculty. However, I do think it's a good idea for fellow duelist to form groups. Outside of what you're pursuing, we can help each other improve our skills and decks, as well as helping each other with our other, individual goals outside of class and dueling. Dueling in a group activity after all, and having people who are there to help you makes things all the easier. Plus, having more friends makes life more fun in general, doesn't it? And if we happen to solve a little mystery in the process, all the better[/color]." Amelia, during this entire speech, had remained silent. She had spent the past couple of days peacefully as well. During the events, he had attended the Running event to support Leander, since he was pretty much her only friend in the Academy right now. He felt bad for his loss and viewed Joshua as a cheater for how he won, gaining a dislike for the older boy. After the event, she decided to finally spend her points and spent all she had on improving her Gusto's, buying all the key monsters for her loop and a few traps. She had immediately edited her deck, removing most of the non-Gusto Monsters and most of the Traps she hadn't used yet in a Duel. She had been rather surprised when, earlier today, Leander had come up and invited her to a meeting he was going to with fellow students. She had still accepted but had spent most of the time practically shadowing Leander, too shy to begin or try to interact with the other students there. The exception to this was Joshua, who she made a point not to talk to even if he tried to talk to her. When the reason the leader of this meeting, a boy named Haas apparently, brought up why, she wasn't sure what to think. She wasn't one for groups and she doubted she would be able to contribute much. This was only reinforced by Andre's berating of the group. To her surprise, it was Joshua who brought up other positives that the group could give, in terms of their dueling and individual goals. That made her mull over her options and consider what she should really do.