[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjU4N2I0Ny5TVzVrYVdGdVlTQlNlV1JsY2csLC4wAAAAAAAA/pwsharpbrush.medium.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/f7ec16771b6eed7f6fe977cf00747317/tumblr_np12fhpogx1qd4bljo6_250.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/c764e2abd2e2a6c294e612210b87a063/tumblr_np12fhpogx1qd4bljo8_250.gif[/img][hr][hr]Interacting with: [color=gold]Caleb McKinnon ([@smarty0114])[/color] People at the Jacob's ladder stall ([@RBYDark], [@carla6677], [@King Tai])[hr][hr][/center] Indiana's gaze slid over each booth they passed, mentally dismissing them one by one. [i]Boring, boring, boring.[/i] Her lips pulled up in a small smirk as Caleb asked about her summer. In truth, it had been way more fun than it should have been. Instead of preparing for her first time at public school, she had gone to party after party with Will. The six weeks (?) had been a blur of alcohol and bad choices. She didn't remember much, but there was one night that was unlikely she could forget. [color=6B8E23] "It was great. We didn't really do anything too crazy, though." [/color]That was a lie, but Indie decided to play it cool. [color=6B8E23]"Will and I went midnight skinny-dipping in Clover Lake one night, which was...fun." [/color]Her face softened for a moment at the memory; it had been one of the best nights of her life - hypothermia and all. She quickly replaced the sentimental bullshit with a mocking smile, however, taking a strand of her hair and running her fingers through it a few times. [color=6B8E23] "You should try it some time - you need the fun."[/color] Poking Caleb in the ribs, she added.[color=6B8E23] "And how was yours? I bet it was boring without me there." [/color]Her gaze left his face to examine their surroundings once more, stopping to rest at the Jacobs ladder stall. After waiting for his reply, she threw a cheeky wink to Caleb before approaching the stall, arms folded and brows raised. Her eyes bore into the red-haired girl who was preparing to give it a go. She looked determined, to say the least, but the smile was plastered on her face like paint - it was there for the time being but just about anything could scrape it off. [color=6B8E23]"I'll let these [i]amateurs[/i] go first."[/color] She announced, sounding extremely bored. She then lowered her voice low enough for only Caleb to hear.[color=6B8E23] "I'm pretty sure I'm the world record holder for this shit. I competed in Dubai." [/color]She said it with such sincerity that one could almost believe her if it wasn't so ridiculous.