[center][img]https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3865/14614258025_419a0604d8_o_d.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194614&s=65&t=INTRODUCTION&c=000000[/img][/center] [justify]Inpatient residential treatment at psychiatric hospitals involves a specialized, extended length of stay program for adolescents aged 10-17, who need a longer, more stable therapeutic environment to achieve success in managing their behavior with the aid of medication management and CBT therapy. Each patient and parent works closely with a licensed master level therapist to achieve treatment plan goals, with individual sessions held weekly with a licensed psychiatrist. Our psychiatric team aims to provide orientation for emotionally disturbed people and to prepare them for the return to daily life, for long term therapy, or for rehabilitation respectively. A team of psychologists, therapists, physicians, and nurses put into practice treatment plans individually tailored to patients' needs in our clinic in four wards, with a total of 80 beds. This means that an environment for the patient is created which allows them to experience as much normality as possible. The goal is a transition to a life without psychiatry. A closed ward produces aggression. Freedom is one of the basic requirements for a relaxed therapeutic atmosphere, therefore we practice an open door system. We do not separate our units according to disorder or gender. In this way, we are able to markedly reduce the potential for aggressive behavior. Less concentration, less rage.[/justify] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194614&s=35&t=OUT%20OF%20CHARACTER&c=000000[/img][/center] We are based in one ward with 20 beds. It has a day room where you watch television, read, draw, etc. There is a front desk where nurses stay and monitor your rooms and where medication is distributed, and where you may retrieve belongings that aren't permitted to stay in your personal rooms (which have two people each, assigned by sex). There are a variety of different therapeutic group sessions that can be combined with each other like building blocks: [hider] - medical treatment - psychotherapy - individual therapy - group therapy [anxiety, psychosis, depression, borderline] - training programs [assertiveness, cognitive, and relaxation training] - exercise therapy [gymnastic conditioning, dance] - occupational therapy [development of skills for everyday life, interaction training] - art therapy [painting, open workshop, drama therapy] - music therapy [singing, experimental music group] - animal assisted therapy[/hider] Visiting hours are held each Saturday and Sunday from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm for families of children and teens in the residential program. [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194614&s=45&t=SCHEDULE&c=000000[/img][/center] [b]AM[/b] [i]8:00[/i] - wake up, medication, blood pressure, weight [i]8:30[/i] - breakfast [i]9:00[/i] - group therapy [i]12:00[/i] - occupational therapy/future goals [b]PM[/b] [i]2:00[/i] - snack, medication [i]3:00[/i] - lunchtime [i]5:00[/i] - dinner [i]6:00[/i] - recreational therapy [exercise, art, music, and/or animal therapy usually] [i]8:00[/i] - snack time, medication, blood pressure, weight [i]9:00[/i] - saying 'positives' and 'negatives' of day, or group discussion to get rid of tension between patients [i]10:00[/i] - bedtime [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194614&s=35&t=IN%20CHARACTER%20RULES&c=000000[/img][/center] [i]These rules can be broken, but your character would need to be very, very inconspicuous.[/i] [hider][list][*] no spiral notebooks, underwires on bras, or laces on your shoes - you will be given zipties [*] money will be confiscated [*] no outside food or drinks allowed in [*] you will be scanned for metal every time you leave and enter the ward [*] rooms are checked twice weekly [*] personal therapy once a week, group every morning [*] no going to bed sooner or later than bedtime [*] no makeup or hair extensions [*] patients must be dressed as if they were to leave the ward at any time; this means no sleepwear during the day [*] no leaving the ward unless you have keycards [and only staff will have these] [*] self-harming (and any instruments involved), cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs are strictly not allowed on the ward [*] you may not have a laptop or phone in the ward [*] all wires, including charging cables for technology, are not allowed [*] patients cannot be alone unless they have reason to go to the quiet room [if you get overwhelmed you can go here to calm down or if you get in trouble you get sent in here - it's a cement room with a place to sit] [*] no keeping papers or pencils in your room, everything is at the nurses' station or a tech [*] patients room in pairs separated by sex[/list][/hider] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=194614&s=35&t=OUT%20OF%20CHARACTER%20RULES&c=000000[/img][/center] [i]Don't be intimidated by the amount of rules! I'm not very strict at all.[/i] [hider][list][*] Advanced players only. Posts must have at least two paragraphs that aren't made up entirely of dialogue. [*] Romance is okay. Anything beyond that is not only inappropriate for the roleplay given the setting and age of characters (10-17), but not tolerated on this site. If it is absolutely crucial to character development, let it be implied. [*] Take turns on posting! Make sure everyone you interacted with in your last post has a chance to reply before making another post; even then, wait until at least three other people have posted. [*] One character allowed per person, for now. Later on there may be more allowed. [*] If you are not able to represent an illness correctly, don't give your character said illness. [*] If you're going to represent an illness and then romanticize it, don't join this at all. Common examples: depression just being sad and disengaged, anorexia nervosa just being skinny and having no appetite. You need to play out the ugly side of illnesses, too. [*] Don't be afraid to ask questions if you're afraid of breaking the above two rules! Chances are, your GM or other players have answers or advice. [*] It should be noted that this is a very typical psychiatric hospital, nothing maximum security, but also not cheap and dingy. That said, there will be no "breaking out" tropes or anything similar. [*] Additionally, adolescent hospitals don't usually have patients who stay for more than a year, so stay realistic. Not many disorders can get you into the hospital in the first place without some degree of severity.[/list][/hider] [center][i]photo credit to [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/sofybrinister/]sofy brinister[/url][/i][/center]