[center][h1][color=0076a3]S T E I N[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] [b][center]NC Pilot Barracks, New Anchorage CC [color=gray][[ Around 0200 Hours ]][/color] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WckSWlEf2nM]M O O D M U S I C[/url][/sub][/center][/b] Stein took a light breath as she stood in front of the group as Kathryn Dradht descended into the ventilation system as per Alan Fouren’s suggestion. Stein wasn’t sure what to make of the orange-haired girl’s abilities but she had survived on her own for several years so she imagined she was at least partially competent despite having what possibly could’ve been one of the most annoying personalities among the pilots hired by Commander Graham’s administration. In many ways she was glad she hadn’t been assigned to her squad and was thankful that the members of her squad were all proven to be capable outside of one obvious exception in Percy Moore. One such person that she was glad she didn’t have to deal with in the state of crisis like this— though she couldn’t help be curious about whether he was dead or alive in his “private” quarters he had assigned due to his [i]insistence[/i] for watching Ana at all times. The clattering of more automated fire made Stein look over at the group as her eyes looked over the individuals who were here— Smith, Jackspar, Strange, Ray, and Fouren. With Cole still in the ICU, Dradht in the vents, and the rest of the group unaccounted for per her knowledge there was only one setup she couldn’t designate for the time being. Each and every single one of them had been trained to work as a squad, though it had remained to be seen how well they took to Commander Marek’s conditioning and drills; Stein really wished that it didn’t have to be this particular situation where she found out. As if channeling her former commander during her time at Volkov she raised her voice clearly and without hesitation. [color=0076a3]“Smith and Jackspar with me. Strange and Ray with Fouren. Augments on if you are equipped, weapons ready if you have them.”[/color] [color=808080]“Alright.”[/color] Alan looked over to Jingo and Josh. [color=808080]“We'll take the long way around to the armory; try and bypass the obvious route to the barracks. Though, I really wish there was a service tunnel somewhere near the armory— I'd feel better than chancing it in the open.”[/color] Stein nodded, [color=0076a3]“Try not to get yourselves killed.”[/color] She was a bit concerned she didn’t assign Smith whom actually had a [i]firearm[/i] ready with Fouren, but she was a member of [i]her[/i] squad and she was responsible for the survival whether she liked it or not. A thought came to her that she didn’t necessarily want to be promoted by Commander Graham despite her not being particularly opposed to it. She wasn’t good at “setting an example” and she didn’t particularly [i]believe[/i] in the principle in the first place as she had told the older woman in her squad when they first met. However, orders were orders. Setting off for the door on the left side while Alan made for the one on the right Stein slightly glanced as Alan commented back at her for what could possibly be their last interaction with each other. [color=808080]“Same with you. Not that I'm too worried. You might be a hardass, but you're strong enough to survive this.”[/color] Alan set his data tool to flash on command and hefted the metal pipe over his shoulder. [color=808080]“Well gentlemen, let's be sneaky.”[/color] She hadn’t ever dealt with something like what was going on but she felt confidence and assurance from the comment for some reason. [color=0076a3][i]Yes, I [b]am[/b] tough enough.[/i][/color] She wasn’t sure why such words were a comfort as she had never really dealt with such sentiments in her past; especially not with her former squad back in Seattle— though there had been one exception in the past with her commander, Roxa Vox, when she told her to be strong like stone and basically gave her the nickname of Stein in the first place. Had she found the comparison more amusing she might’ve smirked at the comedic sensibility it embodied. She nodded back at Fouren and held up her free hand to her squad to indicate to stick close to her. [color=0076a3]“Noted.”[/color]