[hr] [center][h1][color=7bcdc8]Ronin[/color] and [color=lightpink]Sadie[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center]Location: Roaming around Interactions: Ronin [@iHxzardx], Sadie [@alexfangtalon], Lily [@smarty0114], and Wynona [@MissCapnCrunch][/center] Sadie continued her search for someone to hang out with for the day, and occasionally saw a few she recognized. However, they were either with a larger group of people, or they were someone who expressed their dislike of her. Being how she was people either became easy friends with her or just disliked her due to differing lifestyles. She looked around until her eyes finally landed on Ro. Almost instantly a slight blush appeared on her face. She was expecting to run into him at some point but didn't expect to see him this soon. She noticed he was sitting by himself and that it appeared to seem that he was watching the people going around. She tried to follow his gaze, but didn't see where he was looking. She didn't know if she wanted to talk to him or not because she didn't know how well she'd be able to keep up a conversation with the boy. She soon realized that she had been staring in his direction for a while. She quickly turned around and blushed hoping he hadn't seen her. If he had she wouldn't know what to say to Ro, but knew that just standing there like she was probably wasn't the best idea so she decided to slowly turn back to look in Ro's direction. But he wasn't there. She quickly looked in the general vicinity, yet had no idea where he had gone. She thought to herself that maybe he saw one of his other friends then went to talk to them. So, in her mind she was still alone at this carnival, and she continued looking around. [hr] Ronin had scanned the crowd for a solid 10-15 minutes after everyone was dismissed. His eyes drifted back and forth from the majority of the crowd back to Lily then back to the crowd. He eventually recognized Sadie's face who happened to be looking up the bleachers then immediately looked away when he saw her. He decided his first day would be a waste if he didn't at least try to talk to people, and Sadie was a perfect start for getting the conversation fluency flowing. Ronin was always a smooth talker around Sadie. Not on purpose it just seemed easier to talk to Sadie than most other people. So, Ronin decided to get up and head down the bleachers to see if he could sign up for the soccer team tryouts and talk to a few classmates. Ronin found soccer sign ups and signed his name. They would get back to him asking for his physical clearance papers and a check to join the team. When he finished he made his way towards Sadie who had been filtering quite regularly in a stop-by-stop pattern so he started to where he thought she would be by now. He had some trouble moving through the large crowds because of his long pole, lots of [i]Excuse me[/i]'s and [i]Sorry bout that[/i]'s, but no one seemed to mind all that much. Ronin felt very awkward moving through the crowds and seeing almost no one he knew. He started to get a little worried he wouldn't find Sadie with how things were going, but shortly thereafter he literally bumped into her because he wasn't watching where he was going. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh! Hey Sadie! I'm so sorry for running into you. I wasn't watching where I was going~"[/color] He said a little embarrassed. [color=7bcdc8]"I've been looking for you though... I wanted to catch up about your summer! I know we spent a bit of it together, but I was also gone to camps a lot and stuff, Y'know?"[/color] He said quite hastily, then waited for her to catch up with his bombardment of words and questions that he just threw at her in a matter of 8 to 10 seconds. Sadie was not at all expecting to bump into Ro. She quickly let out a quiet, [color=lightpink]"Sorry."[/color] then looked to see who it was and blushed a little again. [color=lightpink]"Hey Ro. It's fine. You didn't do it on purpose."[/color] She quickly let out to his first string of words. When he said that he had been looking for her the blushing increased. It was a good thing she was pretty tan so it wasn't to visible, but it was still noticeable. [color=lightpink]"I'd like to catch up a little to, but first is there anything here you wanna do while we talk? Maybe we can meet up with a few more friends."[/color] Sadie wanted to talk with Ro, but she knew if they were by themselves she wouldn't be able to talk very well getting flustered so much. Meeting up with common friends would help in her endeavors to speak to Ro a little. Ronin was a tad concerned by the mention of more friends already, but he almost always followed Sadie's lead even though she was much smaller and much younger. [color=7bcdc8]"Sure! Got anyone in mind? I saw Jake, but he was already with the soccer team. You don't like being around them too often so I figure that's outta the question. I guess I'm following you! Lead the way~"[/color] Ronin was sinking into his conversational norms, but he still had to let things happen on their own. He couldn't be the talkative one right now. For some reason he was a bit nervous and his face felt warm. He didn't have an earbud in either which usually brought him comfort. He didn't bother putting it in now. Someone could take it as offensive. By now his hood was off, the lacrosse ball in his sweatshirt pocket, with his sports backpack on his back, and his lacrosse pole as a walking stick. He followed Sadie trying to grab her jacket or one of her fingers so that he didn't get separated from her too easily as she led them along. When Ro agreed to looking for more friends Sadie was a little relieved. She turned to lead him back into the mass of people to find their friends when he grabbed her hand. Well, he actually only caught hold of one finger, but still this was enough to turn Sadie's face into a tomato. Good thing he couldn't see her face right now. They walked for a little bit having trouble getting through the crowd at certain points, but then Sadie noticed two faces she recognized. One was someone she only really knew on a first name basis, Wynona. The other was her best friend, Lily. Sadie quickly pulled Ro over to the two girls and spoke, [color=lightpink]"Lily. Wynona. How has the carnival been for you two?"[/color] As she said this she tried to get Lily's attention drawn to the hand holding hers. Both Wynona and Lily would be able to tell she had been blushing excessively the past few minutes.