Alexander woke to a blinding light being shone in his eyes, a rough jab to his ribs from the butt of a rifle, and feelings of hostility surrounding him. The last he could remember, the test was being taken on him and he had been revealed to be a Malfunction. He waited at the train station with the others who tested positive, feeling the fear they felt. When the train finally did arrive, they were pushed on board, and the waves of terror, despair, anguish, and regret of ever being born flooded his mind as he was escorted past other Malfunctions to be seated. He could barely hold consciousness until he had rested himself down, and after that everything went dark. [B]"Move it, girl!"[/b] one of the guards yelled at him. He was one of the last on the train now, being woken with others who had also passed out, whether from the circumstances or their powers was irrelevant. Alexander stood and quickly made his way off the train to avoid further injury. Looking ahead, he could see people standing up from having been knocked to the ground, some covered in blood from being trampled. Compared to this, the gun butt seemed like a slap on the wrist. Alexander followed the crowd forward, making it just in time to see a man walk out onto a balcony. He talked of reforming them into tools of use to society, something Alexander thought presumptuous as most had never proven to be a danger or of no use in the first place. Despite this, he was still interested in what the man had to say, if only for the sake of self preservation. He finished his speech promptly and made his leave, turning the crowd back over to the hands of the guards. The kids were all sorted through the processes of being integrated into the facility. Identification numbers were assigned and they were brought to cells and given what the guards called sleeping clothes. Alexander was unsure whether this meant they would have a change of day clothes as well, or if the clothes they entered with would be their only set. He took the clothes as he hoped the latter was not the case, and picked a bottom bunk to sit on as he changed. Alexander disliked disrobing in front of others, though it seemed he had no choice here. He took it one article of clothing at a time so as to reveal as little at once as possible, starting with his shirt. He grabbed the garment by the back of the collar and pulled it up over his h ead, quicky replacing it with what was provided to him. He untied his shoes and slipped his feet from them, pushing the flat soled sneakers under the bed slightly. Next came the pants. Alexander unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, readying his sleep pants to be stepped into before pulling the jeans off and exposing his feminine legs. He pushed his feet through the leg holes as he pulled the pants up. Unfortunately, the clothes hugged his body fairly tight, not leaving much to the imagination. Given the circumstances, Alexander opted to not remove his brassiere before laying down and closing his eyes. He attempted to pay attention only to his own thoughts, though this remained difficult as emotions of others continuously flowed through him. [Color=9932cc]"Six o' clock sharp for breakfast, and training right after, huh? Maybe they can teach me how to shut this off... might not be a bad thing."[/color]