[center][img]http://www.mhgarment.com/Public/Uploads/share/20140605/5390425730f53.jpg[/img] Name: Simone Pecora Age: 180 (turned at age 21) Affiliation: Reese Clan (loosely) Song: [URL=https://m.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=IdymkbLAuAk]Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya[/URL] Born in the small coast city of Positano, Italy. Simone's mother died at a very young age, leaving her and her three brothers to be raised by solely her father. Her life as a human wasn't the worst, a family being merchant class they didn't struggle to much to feed themselves, and being the only girl in her family and the youngest, she was for the most part rather spoiled by best her father and brothers. Though being raised in a house full of boys, she wasn't really thought to be a proper lady, or the sense of how to talk and act. The most lady like thing she could do, other than dressing the part, was sew. Something that caused her father issues as she grew older. Far to opinionated and at times down right rude to the men that tried to court he, by the time she was twenty one she had rejected a few suitors, and been rejected by quite a few more that her father had tried to arrange. It was that hard headedness that lead her to meet the vampire that changed her. Hoping to improve his families social ranking, Simone's father tried to for the fifth time to set an arrange a marriage for her. A new comer to town, whom came from a rich Irish family, from what he said. However, Simone didn't like him at all, while he was extremely handsome, she was smart and could tell there something wrong about him. He was to flawless, he pulled to much attention to himself, and although she hated higher class people, he was the most boastful about it. Very the the opinionated person she was, she didn't make her rejection of him a secret, telling him to his face she didn't want him. A rejected that he didn't take well. Later that night when Simone was closing up the small stemress shop she worked at, he returned and forced his way into the door. The beating she endeared at his hands seemed to take hours though it was in reality no more than an hour at the most. Being hit, thrown against walls, and in the end thrown into the empty street trough the glass out the shop. His voice in her ear whispering something about playing with his food, was the last thing she thought she would hear before death. However, before the vampire could turn her, he was pulled off by another. The vampire who not only turned her, but killed the one whom put her through so much pain, Maxen. When she awoke turned she was angry, of course, and Maxen took every punch, slap, kick, and swear she threw at him. He apologized for turning her, promised to take care of her, and though she was unsure, she followed him. For awhile the two of them lived and hunted in Italy, though they were drove out with pitchforks due to her carelessness. She thought Maxen would abandon her after that, but no he moved to two of them and found somewhere else for them. She learned to hunt in secret, she managed to convince everyone that she was from a rich Italian family and Maxen was in service of her family. The natural vampiric like grace making it easier to pretend to be rich. Whenever someone noticed that a guest they invited over was missing, Maxen would say that Simone payed for the person to go on a vacation to Italy, and once the coast was cover they would move Meeting the Reese clan was a total accident, she couldn't find it in her heart to let poor Nathaniel die because of a small mistake she had done herself, she planned to let him join the two of them. It was only after she and Maxen saved him that she found out about his family. Their leader Jaspin even saying that he knew Nathaniel was being beaten and did nothing, the knowledge of this this bothers her to this day, but seeing that Maxen is so intent on staying with the group, she does as well. At least as long as Maxen is.[/center]