[hider=Warden] [b]Name:Warden[/b] [b]Alias:Kyle Hishamie[/b] [b]Age:20[/b] [b]Race:Meta Human[/b] [b]Gender:Male[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/23/11/d6/2311d6ace724e2439c7de689f112b3c2.jpg[/img] [b]Personality: Kyle is extremely easy going when he isn't on a case. Kyle likes to be positive and look at the bright side of things, even crack a joke to try to brighten the room up. While Kyle is like this, he is also very serious on dispensing justice. He Works well with others, and is willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of his mission, and for his comrades.[/b] [b]Quirks: Kyle sighs a lot. Some people sometimes take it as a sign of dis respect or laziness, but Kyle just does it. He doesn't even mean to half the time.[/b] [b]Likes: Spicy food, rock an roll, justice, women[/b] [b]Fears: Unable to save someone in danger, being controlled or manipulated.[/b] [b]History: Kyles history is short and sweet. Kyle has no memory of his life until the age of 18, two years ago. He has been living in this city for two years, trying to protect the innocent and dispense justice while also trying to find out why he cant remember anything beyond two years ago.[/b] [b]Powers:[/b] Kyle has the ability to control light. He can use it as an offensive attack such as blasts, and can use it as a shield for defensive reasons. He can use it like a non lethal flashlight. [b]Strengths:[/b] Kyle has a slight knowledge of hand to hand combat. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Weak against darkness based abilities and also can die from over use of his own powers. His own body can only take so much, like a muscle. He has to practice and work it to be able to get stronger and stand more. If Kyle over extends himself he could be burned alive from the inside from his own powers. [/hider]