[color=00aeef][b]EDWARD RICHARD HICKS AKA. "THE DUDE".[/b][/color] Name: Edward Richard Hicks Age: 22 Male Offensive Power: Pyrokinesis=generate and manipulate fire Defensive Power: Teleportation=move through space in the blink of an eye Enhanced Power: Regeneration=advanced healing Bio: A child born into a lower class family of an abusive catholic mother and a clam soft hearted father, The young Edward loved to watch movies with his father especially ones with lots of violence and one liners bonding with his father over these kinds of movies, At the age of 12 his parents divorces and he was forced to live with his mother who did not like him watching violent movies and punished him by locking him in the basement filled with rats. Because of this he became hatful of his mother and one day burnt the house down with his mother in it. After these events the police could not find any sign of how the house burnt down since their was nothing that caused the house to burn and their was no way Edward could escape form inside the house since he was inside when the house burnt now. But when he was questioned by the police he was released and taken into my the government to train his powers and now at the age of 22 he serves as a “Hero” protecting people. [hider=Appearance] [img] http://t04.deviantart.net/29YPcg6JOkc-rJ2Q3FO5H3L1TR4=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre02/6c9e/th/pre/i/2005/164/5/1/postal_2_by_fresh_style.jpg[/img] [/hider]