[@Aristocles] [b]Chincf[/b] The beta male nodded his head, stooping down momentarily to grasp the rabbits they had managed to catch. He trotted back to camp to drop off the prey first. It was a meagre catch-hardly enough to fill the belly of one wolf, let alone the entire pack-but prey was prey and it was better than going hungry. Keeping pace with Carek, Chincf backtracked their steps to the point where the two wolves' scent trails crossed with that of the tigers. Following that trail further on, it led out towards the borders of the Vandrow's territory; near to the stream, where it mingled with the faintest smell of blood. "They made a kill." Chincf growled softly, his hackles bristling. The tigers must be struggling for prey too, but right now the pack needed anything the wolves could catch and they couldn't afford to give up a single bird to thieving tigers. "We need to up the frequency of our patrols, make sure they don't cross over again." [@A Tattooed Girl] [i]Tikaani[/i] Tikaani acknowledged Shadow's nod, following the other hunter's gaze to lock onto the intended target. The she-wolf sat and waited silently as her packmates advanced slowly, inch by inch, with the goats as they grazed along the cliffside. When the perfect opportunity presented itself, and Kai and Shadow were both positioned either side of the old goat, she pounced. The herd scattered, bleating and bellowing out frantic alarm calls as the adults realised the danger right in their midst. Young were shielded from the predators by their parents as the prey animals leapt nimbly along the cliff ledges to escape the attack. Tikaani's focus was locked onto the old goat as she loped after it, snapping at its heels as she tried to drive it towards Shadow or Kai.