Vuduin followed the explanation with mild interest, it wasn't like he had anything better to do. He hid a slight distaste when Drystan began taking droughts from the beer. Vuduin found beer to be rather crude and not good for much, other than the fact that Shade seemed to like the stuff. Which spoke for itself in his opinion. Seeing Drystan press the cold glass to his face he realized that it was getting rather hot for some reason, his own clothes not helping the matter overly. Not that it was overly bothersome as he was used to ignoring adverse temperatures. Vuduin glanced at the bottle he'd been offered and shrugged. Shade took the gesture for what it was and floated down, wrapping his tongue around cap the and twisting it off, then carefully began lapping it up somewhat noisely. Vuduin on the other hand, was thinking about how Drystan's story was somewhat odd. Though Palkia and Dailga may not be a trio with Girtina, he'd always thought they combated and neutralized each other. That and the orb had been described as a neutralizer and limiter, if so why had it been hidden? Drystan explained as insurance, perhaps that was the case if the orb's power functioned in an area, but it still seemed an ill-conceived idea. For some reason it just seemed off. Still, Vuduin doubted that this man getting the orb would produce an overly negative effect, combined with the admittedly somewhat alluring promise of generous payment. Vuduin nodded slightly, [color=gray]"Very well then, I will help you."[/color] Vuduin pulled out a scrap of paper and a pen from somewhere in his robes and scribbled down his phone number and offered it, [color=gray]"In the event we are not nearby and you have a request of me."[/color] He explained. [color=gray]"Though like you, I shall remain here until the tournament is concluded, is there anything else you wish to discuss?"[/color]