[center][h1][color=DAA520]Hoverfly[/color][/h1][/center] The Archer was a pretty little bar on the Eastern side of downtown. Nestled in between two bland apartment buildings, the warm light that illuminated from the windows lit up the street in front. A rustic, heavy-iron sign hung above the door. Inside, it was a cosy mix of leather chairs and tables. A huge slab of marble made up the counter top, backed with a kaleidoscope of different coloured bottles. Christopher was pleased when his job application was accepted, and he began working there. The people in Bludhaven were surprisingly friendly and jovial, and, most pleasantly, tipped pretty well. He integrated well into his peers at the bar, but he didn't really have a close relationship with the owner. So, Christopher was very surprised when the woman in the strange mask entered. She walked over to him, and immediately handed him a piece of paper. [color=DAA520]"What's this?"[/color] He had asked quizzically. Her response had come as a huge shock. [color=Red]"It's the deed to The Archer, Mr Gannet. The owner requested that you be the one who takes up the mantle. You will use this bar as a meeting place for people like you. In the coming hours and days, people will come to this bar. If they say "The Arrow Shoots Straight" then you will let them into the back room. If you want to help this city, then you will do as I have instructed."[/color] The women left as soon as she had entered, leaving Christopher with a lot on Questions buzzed around his brain, like why him, who was that, and how much will he get paid for this promotion. None of his coworkers believed him at first, but when he showed them the deed, their faces showed the same confusion and amazement that his own had displayed. He didn't tell them about the superhero meeting place aspect of the deal, though. They didn't need to know about that. As the day got later, and the sky got a little darker, Chris began to ready himself for the superheroes that were prophesied to arrive. People came and went, and none of them had said the phrase that the women had told him was the password. Until, when he was beginning to get a little sceptical, the first one entered. She was a very cute girl with bright pink hair, and a long cloak strewn over her. She also had a little heard tattoo on her cheek. When she walked up to the bar, she spoke in a high voice. "[color=Pink]"Excuse me.. but, um.. the arrow shoots straight? I mean.. don't they always?"[/color]. Christopher responded by telling her to wait there, and then went and opened the back room up. [color=DAA520]The back room is the open room, next to the door labelled "storage", down that corridor over there. And may I just add, I think your hair his really cute.[/color] Chris added that last point with a smile, as he motioned behind him to a corridor which led off past the drink shelf. The next person to enter was a gruff looking man who had smashed open the door when he arrived. He too had uttered the phrase when he had arrived. Christopher told him about the back room and also motioned in the direction of the corridor. He wondered what other people would come looking for him in the following hours. [@The Narrator] [@lydyn]