"[b]Remember to turn on the alarm before you leave tonight Jacque! There's been a string of break ins in the area as of late.[/b]" "[b][color=00746b]Will do ma'am Have a good night Mrs.Carrie; stay safe! Oh, and tell your husband I said to cut down on those cigars, they'll be the death of him![/color][/b]". Jacque smiled softly as the elderly woman that he called his boss chuckled and closed the door behind her. He enjoyed interacting with Mrs.Carrie, almost as much as he enjoyed working for the tea shop that she owned. It was quiet and peaceful, and yet it saw more than it's fair share of interesting people from every walk of life, each with their own stories to tell. The fact that the old woman would swap recipes with Jacque and didn't mind him helping himself to the copious amounts of tea that lined the store's shelves even after hours certainly didn't hurt either. Still, Jacque couldn't wait until he'd finally have the opportunity to open up his spice shop. Maybe he'd also dabble in the sales of tea in addition to exotic spices and herbs, just to keep the memory of the time he spent under Mrs.Carrie's. Of course first he'd have to finish dealing with the rampant crime sweeping through Bludhaven, but it'd be worth it in the end. The young hero was pulled away from his thoughts by the familiar sound of a whistling kettle in the store's back room. After pulling off his apron and setting it down on the counter Jacque made his way towards the back room, plucking up a disposable cup as he went. Another smile plastered itself upon the Bokor's face as he fixed himself a cup of white açai berry tea, a personal favorite of his. Said smile soon wavered as Jacque heard the bell chime that indicated someone's entry. "[b][color=00746b]Mrs.Carrie?[/color][/b]" He called out as he began to walk out with tea in hand, "[b][color=00746b]Did you forget some-[/color][/b]" he froze "[b][color=00746b]thing...[/color][/b]" he trailed off as he was met with the sight of masked figure. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he felt the mystery woman lock eyes with him, however he tried his best to avoid showing his discomfort. "[b][color=00746b]Er...hello. We're kinda closed at the moment.[/color][/b]" He said somewhat warily as he set his cup down stepped around the counter to point at the flipped sign on the door. Fully expecting a fight Jacque began to clench his left hand into a fist and step forward, eyes flashing yellow for a glimmer of a second. "[b][color=92278f]Do you want this city to be better?[/color][/b]", Jacque froze once more as the question caught him off guard, "[b][color=00746b]W...What?[/color][/b]". The figure repeated her question once more, her voice somehow putting Jacque enough at ease that he legitimately contemplated the question. A better city would mean he could accomplish his dream, so the answer was easy enough, "[b][color=00746b]Yeah, I guess you could say I do.[/color][/b]". The woman stared at him quietly for a few moments before she spoke up again, "[b][color=92278f]There is a bar in eastern downtown called the Archer. It isn't hard to find. It is owned by a man by the name of Mr.Gannet, go to the bar and tell him 'The arrow shoots straight'. He'll understand the meaning and send you where you need to be.[/color][/b]". Jacque opened his mouth again to ask her what she'd meant, however the woman slipped out the door with not a single word more and vanished down the sidewalk. Jacque wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation, he had a lot of question, certainly enough for him to ignore the woman's instructions entirely and just go home. Yet something told him to follow through. Maybe it was his impulsive desire for new experiences, maybe it was the desire to find out more about the strange woman and what she was talking about, maybe he was just being an idiot. Either way, after turning on the store's alarm and locking up shop, Jacque quickly donned his [i]other[/i] uniform, hopped into his jeep, and made his way downtown. True to the woman's word the bar was easily found after driving around for a few blocks. After a bit of searching around for a parking space he entered the bar, periodically taking sips from his now lukewarm tea. Jacque clucked his tongue quietly as he walked up to the bar, caught somewhere between excitement and trepidation as he eyed the man, "[b][color=00746b]Uh, the arrow shoot's straight?[/color][/b]".