The twinkle in his eyes could be seen from space. “[color=00aeef]I...[/color]” He took the piece of paper from Vuduin. “[color=00aeef]I can’t possibly thank you enough,[/color]” he said, unable to contain the relief and joy washing over him. “[color=00aeef]Our little band of misfit Avatars will prevent destruction, and perhaps people will look a little kinder on us as a result.[/color]" Hammering the number into his phone, he sent a blank text message to it. “[color=00aeef]My number in return. I look after those in my employ, Vuduin. Should you need to talk to me, have any leads, or want to discuss payment, don’t hesitate to call.[/color]” “[color=00aeef]Outside of that, I don’t have anything else that I can think of for the moment,[/color]” he said with a beaming smile, “[color=00aeef]unless you would like a down payment for your services?[/color]” Drystan’s heart hammered in his chest as he began to take out a roll of notes from a pocket just inside his jacket. He flicked them in a flipbook style allowing Dialga to count the notes for him. [i]A little over $1,500, [/i] he thought. [i]Dissapointing, but then, if it isn’t enough, I can always make more.[/i] Taking the few odd notes from the total, he held the money out to Vuduin. “[color=00aeef]Is $1,500 suitable?[/color]”