[@Unoedipal] [@Player 2] [@kusanagifire] [@Anyone else I missed who is waiting for the right Servant to come along] So, since we are having a bit of a lull, and it seems like several people eligible to take a Servant have decided against Mastering for Sinfjotli I am thinking of possibly presenting a different Hero option that might appeal little more. I have been at this for a good couple years now and I have a lot of Servants I have made over time, I could port one of them in/ rebuild them if I cant find them. If one of these ideas interests you and you would be interested in Mastering for them, or would just want to take a closer look at them I will message Unoedipal and see if I can make a preview for them, and possibly replace Sinfjotli if I can get someone interested. If its not objectionable I will even take recommendations if you want a certain flavor of Hero, though there is a limit to this. A brief list of Servants I have created in the past and could post here very quickly if anyone is interested. This is not comprehensive, as I also have other Servant ideas that I have yet to make but would be open to trying, I will include some here as well. Some of these Servants vary wildly in strength, I will note those that are pitched as especially strong (And may not get approval to be as strong as I envision them) and those that are weak and will probably have difficulty keeping up with other Servants. I will include Servants I have not made, but might consider making at the bottom. They will take longer though. Lawful Good Wong Fei Hung - martial arts master with knowledge of medicine. (Weak) Etana - ancient Sumerian King of similar age to Gilgamesh, rides a giant divine eagle (Strong) Chaotic Good Rhydderch Hael - a welsh Hero with a powerful flaming sword and an utter immunity to fear. Makoma - a powerful giant slaying demigod of Hercules like strength. (Strong) Chaotic Good Vasilisa the Beautiful - a fairy tail princess with powerful Noble Phantasms and strong luck. Lawful Neutral King Naresuan - a powerful gunslinger, martial arts master and elephant rider known for his mastery of a wide range of weapons. Ramesses II - a powerful king and chariot archer Neutral Vainamoinen - an immensely powerful wizard with a potent magical voice and many ability's. Flexible, could be any class save Lancer and Assassin. (Strong) Starkad - A giant with endurance beyond any other Norse hero and a plethora of curses and blessings from two opposing gods. Chaotic Neutral Gwydion - a welsh warrior and sorcerer who summons army's of trees. Lawfull Evil Yuknoom Che'en II - a Mayan Priest King who sacrifices his enemy's and then devours them to gain power and special ability's. Enguerrand IV, De Coucy - Lord of Château de Coucy, one of the strongest and most magnificent castle of the Middle ages. (Weak) Neutral Evil Koschei the deathless - a semi immortal sorcerer with a wide range of supplementary ability's Orochimaru - a legendary ninja, bandit and sorcerer with power over snakes. Chaotic Evil Skuld - a Norse princess and powerful sorceress who controls the weather, curses people and summons an endless army of undead vikings and Norse monsters. Antagonist from the Saga of Hrolf Kraki Fafnir - a demented dwarf who transforms himself into an enormous (wingless) dragon and casts various other spells. (Strong) Considering making - Qin Shi Huang - Emperor of China, alchemist and master of the terracotta army. (Strong) Grutte Pier - Massive Frisian pirate who wielded a 7 foot long sword. King Solomun - legendary King with an Artifact throne (Strong)