Kingdoms long reigned over the known lands. The world long called Siriathell funded monarchies, Theocracies and oligarchies to grow powerful. That was until confecting views sent many, if not all of them, into war. Though, those did fade over the years, many were killed and feuds still remained. Great technological achievements looked over as the leaders clashed. Many wise people taken over by the greed and jealousy circulating around, straining their resources thin. Famine washed over much of the area and diseases spread which lead to the revolts. Each new attack sent many of the war tattered and unfunded armies into despair. Some, still loyal to their former leaders, fled to the countryside when their people were slaughtered. New leaders rose up and fell, No one could hold the peace long. Now, almost 20 years after the fall of the old lands. The new generation of leaders are gathering their people. New empires are waiting to be built off the foundations of the old. Problems arise easily while founding a kingdom. From diseases, and blights, to feral tribes and attacks from other groups. Things should go better this round, as long as the new remember the sacrifices of the old. [hr] [h2]Documentation.[/h2] ( Nation CS.) Nations Name: Flag: (optional) Ruling type: Leader: Pop count:( Total population, Adult and children) Total hex Area: ( How many Hex's does your nation encompass and controls over.) Army Organization?: Size:(Relative to population) Unit make up: ( Naval units, Land units. Detailed description.) Training:( Highgly trained? barely trained? inbetween. Details if needed) Resources Natural Resources:( Raw Resources inside Nations total Hex's) Produced Resources: ( Things your people have to produce. Pottery, bread, weavings. ect.) Main Exports: Main Imports: Workforce:( From population, Adult pop) Culture: Relgion: (Description of how they follow if they follow.) Beliefs:( Tall tales, supersitions.) Values: Education System:( Schooling.) Class system:( Social ranks. Who is above who in society.) [hr] [h2]Royal Maps.[/h2] [hider=Empty Map] [img] [/img] [/hider] [img][/img] [hr] I Am looking for A CO-Gm who can help with the maps stuff and Some elements of running the environment. Do leave a comment below if interested.