[@Bozo] hahah bozo........ that's sort of my character's job not to mention you have the exact same picture as Fenton's office... [center][hider=The Kelly Investigation Service] [img]http://www.3dtotal.com/admin/new_cropper/gallery_originals/2011-04-27(18048)_Detectives_Office_final_image.jpg[/img] Fenton Kelly opened up this office very shortly after moving to shine city against the wishes of his superior who wanted to him to take it easy. This is located above one of the massage parlors in the slightly more raunchy end of shine city. Fenton provides an investigation service to whoever needs something found or found out. But because of the low crime nature of Shine City, most of his cases so far have just been to spy on cheating wives and husbands. He finds this work slightly too easy, but appreciates its better than sitting around 'relaxing'. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHccClTAdzc[/youtube] [/hider][/center] Maybe a different job is in order?