[color=blue][h3][center]Graeden Yourshaw[/center][/h3][/color] Following the larger dragon out from the egg cave had eventually led them to their place of residence. He once again was thankful for being in shape or else there possible would of been no way to keep up with the large dragon."I'm going to look forward having to do this with you," he sarcastically said to Apollyon. She glared at him to which he chuckled before looking over the arrangement for their dorm, hopefully Apollyon would play nice and share with another dragon in the same room. "Well, there's still time in the day so why not explore the place," he said mostly to himself Apollyon gave a small shriek in annoyance as he left and she was forced to follow ",Oh plenty of time later to see the apartment but having a chance to look around is what I've been waiting for." He told her. They traveled the halls going room to room. Eventually they came across which must of been the library of the place they were in. "Ah perfect time to go seeing if we can find some unanswered questions," he said with enthusiasm to which Apollyon gave a slight growl whether of agreement or disapproval, Graeden couldn't tell. The many books ranged in sizes some even looking to large for any hope for a human to ever handle. Graeden gathered anything that seemed he could skim through quickly. Most were no doubt filled with the language that would tie him and Apollyon together which meant most of what he would be looking at would mean nothing but still he could try and piece what he could together in a means of some answer. [i]"Read?" [/i]he heard a voice nearly jumping out of his skin at it before looking at Apollyon. "So you can speak? I was beginning to think you were mute," he joked to which she gave a resounding huff towards him ",Yes, or at least I'm going to try and then we can go to the apartment." Seemingly pleased with the answer Apollyon laid herself down next to Graeden in an attempt to try and help with the language deciphering.