[@Kafka Komedy] Sorry for being so difficult with this character and I really appreciate your patience. So, I changed the spell *Beam of Light*. Now basically my character has a lightning attack, a flash light one and a flash bang one. And I made the armor heavy, seeing the incredibility of having a "very light" golden armor. If there is anything that makes my character unbalanced just tell me to change it and I'll gladly oblige. Edit: And about the instant self repair, it's not like I'm gonna have melted gold on me all the time, ready to pour it over my armour as soon as a crack appears. Basically instead of paying the blacksmith to repair my armor, I just pay him for the gold and to melt it. This being an armour with special properties after all, enchanted or whatnot, I don't think the blacksmith would have the skills to work with it.