[center][img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1b.png[/img][/center][center][h1][color=9966CC] Nathaniel Alderson[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_oJF7nnhR2U/V7o-tkS2OCI/AAAAAAAACXE/ag3b2E2nwE0wTcKEH1wedtbQln2Ec2zFwCLcB/w346-h367/nathanal%2B%25281%2529.png[/img] Location: Bleachers Interacting with: Conan & Tadhg ó Faoláin ([@TheIrishJJ])[/center] [center][img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1b.png[/img][/center] [colour=0054a6]"I was just wondering if you wanted to go around the carnival with us. We don't really know anyone here, and now our sister's gone off with someone that she knows,"[/colour] Tadhg told him.[colour=007236]"Yeah,"[/colour] Conan added, [colour=007236]"And we all go to the gym at the community centre, so we've got that in common."[/colour][colour=0054a6]"It'll be grand!"[/colour] Tadhg exclaimed, his Irish accent becoming even stronger than it already is, [colour=0054a6]"Come on now, you have to!"[/colour] Nathan wasn't sure how to react, blinking several times as he was essentially staring at them in awe at the fact that these two Irishmen wanted to hang out with him, Tadhg's accent really coming out in his attempt to get Nathaniel to hang out. Realizing he was indeed staring at them, he looked left and downward in an attempt to hide what had just happened. Sure, he'd interacted with them at the gym area in the center, but he never expected that today they'd want to hang out with him. It made him question what was so special about himself, or if this was simply how guys generally acted. Sure, he'd talked to other guys before, but that was generally because he had to, and so these conversations were rather new to him. Most of his friends were girls in his other schools, and when it came to the swim team in his old town, he generally just stayed silent as the others hung out. It took him a small pause to recognize that they were expecting a response still, forcing him to snap out of his thoughts and think of some sort of solution. He wasn't afraid to hang out... That wasn't the issue. Did he find them intimidating? No... He knew that wasn't it either. He reasoned that they must have gone through puberty faster than him, or that maybe they just grew up faster in Ireland, which is why he felt they towered over him. In fact, he couldn't really identify the problem that was keeping him from responding except that he was overthinking it, and so he took a deep breath as he prepared to answer, nodding slowly and saying [color=9966CC]"I, uh, sure, I guess. I wasn't expecting to hang out with anyone, but, uh, it couldn't hurt."[/color] He tried his best to act casual, placing both hands in his pockets and waiting for a reply. He felt he made the situation awkward, which didn't help his confidence. Though, it gave him the chance to more discreetly check them both out. He didn't mean to, it was almost just a reaction when it came to people. The first thing he noticed was that Conan was taller than his brother Tadhg, and more built too. But, Tadhg seemed to be the more sociable one out of the duo, as he was basically leading this conversation and was the one who wanted Nathaniel to hang out with them. He also noticed Tadhg wore more casual clothes than Conan... His final analysis of the two? He thought they both looked pretty good.