After bidding the Princess good night, Dalton was about to turn around and head back to the ballroom when her grip on his arm tightened momentarily before she started speaking. The intensity in her bright blue eyes and the earnestness in her voice kept him rooted to his spot, speechless as this young woman in front of him spoke so highly of him. He bowed his head in silent shame as her words moved him more than he thought they should. He shouldn't have been so hard on himself when the entire kingdom still believed in him, still trusted him to protect them and keep the evils at bay. She was right. How he had let that ignorant noble's words upset him so much frustrated Dalton. He needed to learn to trust himself just as the people of the kingdom did. Dalton raised his head to look at her again just as her voice faded into the silence of the corridor. "No need to apologize, Your Highness. I will do everything I can to honor your request." When she continued though, Dalton wasn't expecting the request that spilled forth from her lips, his pale green eyes widening a fraction at the weight of its meaning. It was a simple one but meant more than just the dropping of fancy titles. It meant trusting one another. It meant sharing an intimacy that amounted to more than just what was shared between a guard and his charge. It meant breaking down walls that once allowed him to emotionally detach himself from dangerous bonds. Dalton couldn't help the heat that rose in his cheeks and wondered if she realized what she was really asking of him. Realizing he had yet to respond as the silence stretched out between them, Dalton cleared his throat and willed his voice to remain steady. Unsure of why he was willing to entertain this notion of friendship, the words tumbled free before he could rethink his decision. "If that is what you wish, than I'll respect your request." A coy smirk crossed his lips as he continued. "As long as you agree to return the favor and just call me Dalton. A little normalcy might actually be refreshing." He bowed before turning back toward the ballroom. "Good night, Melanie. Sleep well." ~~~~ Dalton had returned to his own room after dismissing the troops from their posts in the ballroom. All the guests had vacated by the time he got there, no doubt thanks to Sir Albert's swift intervention. Dalton was grateful for the quiet end to the evening, already forgiving himself for losing Melanie in the crowd earlier. Her words just minutes ago had moved him more than she may ever know and he was honestly surprised that they were having such an effect on him. It just felt good to be recognized and praised so truthfully, apart from the usual automatic "You did well today Sir Dalton" or "Great job out there, I expected no less from you". Now laying awake in bed, staring at his dark ceiling, Dalton wondered why he had agreed to her request so easily. If it had been anyone else, his professionalism would demand he politely decline, saying something to the effect of it being improper for a man of his station to regard the Princess with such informality. But something in Melanie's eyes had urged him to agree. What harm could it really cause anyway? Part of the agreement was to drop such titles when they were alone, away from eaves-dropping ears that would later gossip about the implications of their familiarity. Dalton turned over onto his side roughly, frustrated that his mind was wandering in the first place. It was unlike him to dwell on such trivial matters. Closing his eyes, he did his best to focus on his breathing, willing sleep to come. ~~~~ Morning came brightly and unforgivably like it always did, but as usual Dalton was already awake and down at the stables before dawn broke over the horizon. Today would be the start of Melanie's riding lessons, the first of many to come, depending on how quickly she learned the task. The stable boy had picked out a beautiful white mare for the Princess, a strong patient steed that would serve to be Melanie's personal riding companion from today forward. Dalton focused on the task of brushing out the mare, welcoming the distraction from his thoughts regarding the events from the night before. His doubt and worry seemed to wash away with the rising of the sun and, satisfied that the horse was clean and brushed to a soft shine, Dalton proceeded to grab the saddle and reins in preparation for Melanie's arrival.