This boy was certainly theatrical, seeming to have a flare for drama. She accepted his hand, shaking it. Even through her gloved hands, she could feel his nervousness, and embarrassment but it wasn't a potent as it could have been if it was bare skin. She smiled, letting him get out what he was saying, and replied "I have my ways of getting in. I can control Shadows. I can travel through them, generally unnoticed" she said, "you seemed interesting so I followed you" Again, she smiled, and said "thanks, but I have my own room. Although certainly not as interesting as this." She glanced about again, before giving a shrug, "shall I just call you boy or do you have a name?" She said, in an easy voice. "I mean if you are going to offer your room to someone, they should know your name" she said with a laugh[@dabombjk]