Shadow Ninja lets out a breath as she finished fighting another group of henchmen. She looks to the woman and man she had just saved and gave them a look over. The woman held onto the beaten man who was glaring at her. Shadow Ninja didn't blame him much though she was a strange ninja that could just swing her sword and cut their heads off no problem. "T-thank you." The woman whispers with a sob,"Thank you so much." The Ninja just nodded sheathing her sword,"[color=black]Take care[/color]." Shadow Ninja says to the woman before disappearing into the shadows as police appeared. As she climbed to the roof top movement caught the Ninja's eye. A figure in a red rode stood before her and it came of more calming than most people but with experience with other people Shadow Ninja kept her guard up. They had a stare off for a small while before the figure spoke. "[color=purple]There is a bar in eastern downtown called the Archer. It isn't hard to find. It is owned by a man by the name of Mr.Gannet, go to the bar and tell him 'The arrow shoots straight'. He'll understand the meaning and send you where you need to be[/color]." "[color=black]Why?[/color]" The Shadow Ninja asks looking the woman in the eyes trying to see if she was trying to fool her. But nothing the Ninja saw nothing but dead green eyes. The figure just nodded before walking back into the shadows fading from the young vigilante's view. Getting out her Navigator she brings up the Archer and it turns out she isn't that far from the bar. About a mile or so away if she estimated correctly meaning She can make it in at least 20 minutes putting her navigator away she takes out a grapple and shoots it to one of the building across the way and swung to the next roof. As thought she made it to the bar not to much later coming out of and alley next to it she makes her way inside bringing her scarf down. A strange man wearing a strange colors and sporting strange markings stood out. She walked over next to the man. She looks at the bartender and mutters,"[color=black]The arrow shoots straight[/color]" [@MonsieurShade][@KaijuBaragon]