[1:1] Uurohgak Krul sat cross legged on the hard dirt floor, taking shelter from the blazing sun beneath the shade of a crude make shift lean-to, its cover sheets violently bellowing in the wind. This humble little outpost sat on the edge of a rocky outcrop located on the outskirts of the great Boldin Mines. Opposite the young blackborn sat a short stout dwarf, his beard bushy and his face lined with age. A stone pipe hung from the corner of his mouth where it always lived. His blue eyes almost always peering through a swift endless cloud of thin frail smoke. Yarsorli Silverdigger, Uurohgak Krul had come to think of him as a friend, and to some regard he was, but that never stopped the dwarf from swindling the Blackborn for all his worth. Undoubtably the dwarfs were excellent metal smiths and crafters. Uurohgak had come seeking aid for his injured and troubled jaw. Yarsorli the gracious host and dwarf he was had kindly offered some complimentary sustenance for the frail tribesman, although after a few hours of drinking the concoction and making some ill purchases, Uurohgak's spinning head and helpless grin told him it was nothing more than some typical thick dwarven ale. By this point he didn't really care of the slight deception. Jaw still broken, a large new Khopesh in hand and a belly full of mead, Uurohgak Krul and his wolf ally Reshy took off in the direction of the Jaeldanaar forest, fresh on the trail of Yaraan, a Blackborn messenger who recently passed the Boldin mines. News had spread through Boldin of the messengers passing and the intoxicated Uurohgak was anxious and curious to accompany him on his trip home. It was after about an hour of steady travel into the Jaeldanaar forest that a heavy headed Uurohgak and confused Reshy found themselves lost and without a trail to follow. The two had been spun around and couldn't discern one direction from another. Reshy's nose was also unhelpful as it became deceived by strange and unusual scents. While they made good time catching on Yarran over the plains between the Dwarven mines and Elven forest, now with every blind second-guessed step they were falling further behind. Uurohgak was now feeling the after effects of the Dwarven ale and worry of his choices began to set in. It was now hit or miss. Finally the duo chose a direction and ran with it, saying a silent prayer to the mother wolf as they put their fate in her hands.