The cat kept moving thought out the city until he found a large mansion with a forest behind it, he cocked his head to have a closer look at it before he moved towards their trash and searched though to try and find something nicer then that little fish he had, he ended up knocking over the trash cans and then yowled at it slammed down on his tail hard and he took on bigger form made him lose his tail as he stood up and hoped no one had heard him break anything though he must admit, this tower felt strange. He did not have long to pounder on that though as some one had heard all the noise outside of the mansion as thugs suddenly appeared and they saw the being transform as they began to say "Come on, lets beat this thing and take him to the cops. We'll be billionaires by catching one of those creature that wreaked the city" Mike growled at them but they pulled out a knife and a crowbar which made Mike shocked as they were actually going to attack him he ran but the men chased after him calling him freak and cowards. They even threw a few things at him, he felt them hit him as he felt blood come out of a few of his wounds. Mike soon found himself in the park greatly scared as the young men had never given up their chase so he had been unable to transform or anything. He was scared of them greatly and he felt like he was going to cry soon. However, he notice something ahead of him. It was Abandoned Dojo that had been said to have be hunted by a powerful Samurai grandmaster, Mike weighted up his options before he ran to the Dojo. The Men saw him and kept on chasing him, Mike smashed though the door and then hide behind a statue. The young men enter moments later and Mike was scared deeply.