[@Raijinslayer] Im going to either try and raise some people again or grind out a responce myself even if it is out of turn pretty soon, try and get things moving again. [@Holy Grail] It's sort of a checkered list. Back in the day when Fate Zero was coming out we had a board where we made them but didn't play them, which is what a lot of these are. The others like Skuld and Naresuan have been my general standbys over the years. Yeah feel free to grab any idea you want. I have researched all of these, though I have not read all of their legends original documents, and if you are interested I can give you some background on them. Yuknoom and Makoma especially, since you are not going to find them on wikipedia. I forgot to put in Bodvar Bijarki, but since he's so similar to Sinfjolti he's sort of redundant in powers, though his character is difrent. I havent made contact with Un in a while now, but I haven't really tried that hard either, so hopefully they are not that far off. :P [@Ayazi] Well take your time man.