[img]http://i.imgur.com/gXmz7Yj.png [/img] [color=slateblue][b]Claire[/b][/color] could [i]feel[/i] the excited buzz in the air that morning. There was a drawing to be held soon that would give away a gaming computer. She [i]nerded[/i] out earlier inspected the build of the PC, especially obsessing over the GPU and it's virtual reality capabilities. Claire made sure to enter herself in for the drawing. Right now, she was in the process of going around from table to table and giving out complimentary chocolate chip cookies from a silver platter. She approached a certain booth where a redhead seemed to slouch and fight a uphill battle with drowsiness. A rather formidable foe from the looks of it. She gently shook her shoulder and leaned in. [color=slateblue]"Excuse me there...everything okay? How about a warm cookie for you? They just came out of the oven just a few minutes ago, and there's nothing better than a free cookie. You totally look like you might need one right about now..."[/color] [@Kit N Kat]