I swear to God, if we're friends like you say we are, then why the [b]fuck[/b] do I feel like I'm talking to a wall? Lay it on me : today's bullshit, any complaints, funny/sad/enlightening/stupid/angry/depressing stories, anything BUT THE FUCKING "It was ok" placeholder, because FRIENDS SHARE SHIT. If I wanted a dumping bag for all my complaints and experiences I have the entire fucking Internet minus you to work with, vlogs, blogs and all. But I'm trying to have a life outside of doing time-killers enthusiastically (education and work). That includes doing shit for other people too. That includes being there to trade an emotion, an experience, a thought, a point of debate, etc. But it's pretty fucking evident you don't even think about that, and if us being friends is just "k"s and "sup"s and "not much" (you didnt even add hbu for the past 17 times you've given that response, much less axe me a question), then I strongly, strongly believe us to be acquaintances, and NOT friends. If I have to start anything 100% of the time, that's me driving our relationship with no destination or goals, let alone progress in any manner. And I can't be fucked trying to live both my off and online lives on top of your life, but apparently I've also got to be the one driving this 1-man parade to the ground. So kindly, do fuck off. We're not friends, we're classmates, coworkers, acquiantances. Just anything BUT friends.