Jillian breathed slowly, nervously clicking her heels together with anticipation. She tried boosting her confidence by reciting inspiring quote from randoms movies, and had almost been successful in her attempt had she not have said: "You're alright Jill! It's just a wedding..." Just a wedding? It wasn't like she was married before! Weren't weddings supposed to be difficult to get out of if things didn't work out, or was it easy to since it was only an experiment. She'd die if she had to go through an agonizing divorce. Ew! What if this guy was old and creepy? These thoughts raced through her head, picking up the pace of her heartbeat to a rhythm one could dance to. She forced herself forward through the doors where the ceremony was held, her eyes clenched shut as she did so as she held onto any scrap of courage she had left. She peeked through her eyelids, gulping at the strange surroundings after she adjusted to the new light. It felt so empty compared to the size of the place, even with all the people that were seated. She wondered where these people even came from... Her gaze traced up the isle to who she assumed could be no one else but the groom who was, to her surprise, quite handsome. She felt tingly as blood rushed to her cheeks in embarrassment, nearly stumbling to walk forward. She [i]now[/i] regretted her deception to walk alone as nothing was coming from her but an awkward expression and silence, though the latter made sense in her situation. Once she reached the groom, she darted her eyes away as she stood solemnly beside him, doing what she could to keep her focus and not drool at the site of the hunk beside her.