They were being tasked with jobs? Directly summoned away from home, then given jobs after being granted these supernatural abilities? This Golden God was really expecting the world after taking each and everyone one of them from theirs. "I'm not sure about..." Ozzy started talking, but then placed a hand to her chin. She spent a majority of her time at home doing nothing anyway. Being stripped away from all that responsibility could actually be a lot of fun, couldn't it? Least for the time that she was here. Ozzy cast a glance down at herself. Between the eye-patch, the silver-hair and not having shoes - there was a lot to still get used to. The others seemed more than happy to jump head first into a job that none of them knew anything about. The power tempted her, of course, but was that the right decision? "I'll take the Princess Protection Program request," Ozzy said with a frown. The objective here was to spend some time getting used to her body and her abilities. The swell of memories helped familiarize her with 'how' to use the Nox Nyctores, but that wasn't enough.