[@auspiciousPetal] Well, good news, forgot I had a little fantroll OC fully made sitting in the corner, so I got that. Also have a human if necessary, I'd just rather not use him since I plan on making a new one. And, the wizard apprentice is my best drawn character lol that's why I want to use him. I based his design off of Calmasis since I wasn't sure how wizards were supposed to look, but like FYI, got a wizard boy here. If I were to use him, I think I could get away with placing him on either planet lol. I never wrote up a profile for him but, I'm sure I could. My human's profile is pretty rough, nothing's real set in stone, but [url]donn-calhoun.tumblr.com[/url] has a comprehensive rundown of him. I replaced my drawn pic with one that looks similar that I got off of google because I'm a smidge of an art thief and I'll just spend my time in internet jail over there(I can show the drawn version as well, just be wary of the filters I smashed all over it). But on the top-side, I have his mission as a Time player nailed down and how he keeps the alpha timeline. My troll is...in a little bit of a weird position. I kind of forgot the name I was giving to him so he'll be a WIP. I think I decided on him being either a Prince of Void or a Thief of Breath, he's Alternia-based.