[h2]Mika Alkaev - Sound[/h2] The individuals who went up stage before and after Mika were... well, definitely [i]people[/i]. If he was being honest with himself, they weren't super impressive people. Sure, they had neat powers and strong powers and no powers, but nothing that particularly stuck with him. Lots of flashy, combat-grade show-offs though - appropriate for a school like this, in hindsight. [i]'"Make sure to pay attention, Mika,"'[/i] the words repeated in his head, [i]'"Keep an eye out for troublesome competition."'[/i] Now that would have been good advice, but he was confident he could deal with any combat examination. He stopped playing with his hair. Written examination though... But before he could start worrying about having to do advanced level mathematics or whatever his mind could conjure up, [i]someone[/i] walked up on stage. Normally he'd have paid only a token mind and just continued to play with his hair and bemoan his existence, but then he heard it. He stood up on his tippy-toes to get a better look past the crowd. It!! Was!!! Her!!!! Sasaki had told him that someone by that name was attending the academy, and the person playing up at front was totally the person in the picture! Although... He couldn't really understand a single word of the music and all the sounds blended into each other, but it still made him feel all weird and moodswingy. Kind of like medication but a lot faster. At any rate, moodswings weren't that foreign to him, but he was still a bit jarred by the power. Messing with peoples' heads was, in his world, kind of a dick move. Still, the power was a formidable one if applied correctly... Though needing a sonic component was an exploitable flaw. A couple more people came up, came off, nothing particularly of his interest. There was a cocky dude with glorified play-dough that he didn't particularly like the look of, but other than that it was pretty average all around. Unfortunately, just as they were about to put an end to this meet and greet, Prof. Namashiya was called away... for something. That aside, Mika decided that this was ample opportunity for a meet and greet - just as their teacher had instructed. He began making his way through the students towards the hatted blonde. Slight adjustments to his movement courtesy of his perceptions allowed the young man weave through the crowd of students quickly and effortlessly, like water running through a pipe. Mika looked over one shoulder, then the other as if he was watching out for someone trying to get a jump on him. He poked Aria on the shoulder. "Ah~#\Ree-~Ah," Mika greeted in his best sing-song voice (which is to say, a very tone-deaf one), "Hi."