[center][h2][color=a36209]Vincent Gulfus[/color][/h2][/center] How long had it been? Hours? Days? weeks? Vincent didn't know all he knew was that this fight had been going on for eons. They had been dueling underneath the tower for ages now. Every time Vincent had come close to winning, Transformer reset the decks. This was still the first match. The decks just kept getting refilled. The only allegory vincent could make to fighting transformer was that it was like trying to run headfirst through 30 meters of solid Tungsten. Vincent had come into this Duel expecting to land at least a severe hit on his opponent. Transformer stood unscathed. Vincent's face was coiled into one of distaste and annoyance, barely hiding its unquenched thirst for blood. [color=a36209]"Turn pass,"[/color] Vincent said, swigging another mouthful of water before throwing the empty bottle away to the side. That bottle joining the every-growing pile of other empty bottles. Transformer looked up from his hand. His strategy had a 1 in a thousand chance of occurring. Luckily, Transformer could reset the decks and stall until he snagged that chance. Vincent looked at his opponent who was raising a card up toward the ceiling. Squinting at the card Vincent's eyes opened wide in fear. Transformer opened his grinning mouth and let out a single word. [b][color=Gray]"GAME!"[/color][/b] The explosion could be felt across the Duel Tower. The seismic vibrations stopped as soon as they came, however. Shaking his head to remove the dizziness, Vincent discovered he was on the floor of the elevator. With it came Vincent's realisation he had lost, albeit it would have if he hadn't come to that realisation earlier but had just been too stubborn to concede and lose. Tired and exhausted from what seemed like the longest duel he had ever had. Vincent blacked out. It was a few minutes until he came to consciousness again. He felt surprisingly... light. Had he died and gone to heaven to save himself the embarrassment? The muscular neck his arm was wrapped around begged to differ. Transformer was effortlessly carrying Vincent as if he was a wounded soldier of war. They were back at the dormitories. When he had arrived at the Wind dorms, Transformer left Vincent to hobble back to his own room. Vincent was less injured physically as he was mentally deprived of the sense of Victory. Lying back on his bed Vincent looked up at the ceiling. What had he hoped to accomplish by fighting the teacher anyway? Oh... yeah. He wanted to visit and fight the Dark Dorm students. A smile spread across Vincent's lips. He wasn't going to change that plan. He originally was just going to visit, have a few duels and be happy... but now? Now he might just revel in it as well. Vincent was back and he [i]really[/i] just needed a good fight to sate his bloodlust.