Sorry for my not being on after work. >.> Life yo. [@Chev]Romulans are taking over the ship! I like him. I look forwards to seeing him interact with others on the ship. Just one point of clarification. Are you going for the Chief Engineer position? Or just a general engineering position? [quote=@Jbcool][@Blue Demon] Any chance my favourite Romulan can get back in on this at all?![/quote] There is! Most definitely. The CS is good. I'll just have you wait the prescribed 24 hours for any contest to the position. And now for accepted characters passing through the barricade <3 [@Ruby], since your character was never contested, even with a small "I wanna be captain post" Vash is once again our Lovely Captain. The position of Chief Medical officer goes to [@bluetommy2]'s Guy Merritt. [@McHaggis]'s Caelum can be his Senior Medical Officer if you so wish or you may choose another position. [@POOHEAD189]Due to you applying for a position that many people can get which negates the fact someone might contest you for that spot, you sir don't have to wait the prescribed 24 hours. (Lucky you) [@HalfOfLancelot]He's Matthew McConaughey I think that speaks for itself... Which means he passes. And since I've already made you wait 24 hours, accepted. [@MiddleEarthRoze] Interesting choice of characters. Reminds me of Starfire from DC Comics. [sub]I'm a nerd okay[/sub] But I like her. Comes with plenty of interesting plot things I can do. *Steeples fingers like Mr. Burns* [i]Excellent[/i]. And again, since I've made you wait 24 hours, your character is good to go. [@Gunther]Your character is good and accepted. You can move him over to the CS tab. [@DeadBeatWalking][@Teddyinahat][s]I'm sorry for doing this to you guys, but I'm conferring with Ruby since her character will be Captain and Captains pick their XOs, so I'm soliciting her option. I'll have the results back to ASAP.[/s] And the results are in. [@Teddyinahat] the spot is yours. [@DeadBeatWalking] You can take up another position on the ship.