[center][hr][hr][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lionel%20Wickett&name=AKENATEN.ttf&size=65&style_color=9C6F6F[/IMG] [IMG]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1226827915/Screen_shot_2011-01-26_at_5.37.53_PM_400x400.png[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Outside the Ship[hr][/center] And just as quickly as the firefight erupted, it ended. All the sound of gunshots had vanished. He tooks the trip downstairs just in time to see Dolores take Captain Crowe over to the medbay with Genevieve following closely behind. From the way she was walking, she probably took a shot to the leg. Annoying as nǐ mā zuó wǎn those kinds of wounds were. It reminded him of one time when some jackass thinking he was funny accidentally shot him in the foot. It took weeks for him to be able to walk naturally again. Still that hú ān got what was coming to him. Lionel walked out to purview the damage caused. [color=#9C6F6F]"Well ain't this here a right fucked mess?"[/color] There were bodies strewn everywhere, blood, guts and other bits of body parts flung about. Atticus was giving last rites to people that were already dead. Unseemliness all around. Was that Patience's middle man? Oh he could tell right away that whatever happened here was a mere seedling that was going to blossom into a beautiful flower of kǒujiāo. Hands in his pockets, Wickett moseyed on over to Jackson Tanner. [color=#9C6F6F]"Mr. Tanner, would you mind fillin' lil ol' me in on what in the Wide Wide World of Sports went on here?"[/color]