[center][h1][color=red]Allan[/color][/h1][/center] Allan somehow had managed to keep up with the dragon in front of them, considering he hasn't done much exercise besides weekly walks to the store with Nate. He didn't have the best sense of direction so he'd always stick close to his brother, which is why when he saw the list of who he'd be roomed with he froze. [i]There must be a mistake,[/i] Allan thought to himself as he stares at the first set of names. [i]Of course there isn't. Of course I won't be partnered with Nate, why would I possibly think that? Maybe his room is at least close to mine...?[/i] With slight hope growing inside him he looks at the rest of the list and feels a knot growing in his throat when he sees the distance in the numbers between his and his brother's rooms. Soreth seemed to notice the change in emotions in Allan and looks up at him with a tilt if her rust brown head. "Al, Soreth, explore?" When Allan hears Soreth talk he quickly writes down the room number for future reference before nodding. "Al, Soreth, explore," he repeats with a smile. A squeal of delight escapes Soreth before the dragon scurries off, Allan close behind. [i]I guess it won't hurt to meet my roommate later,[/i] the red head thinks to himself as he looks around, trying to remember his way back so he doesn't get lost. [hr] [center][h1][color=orange]Nate[/color][/h1][/center] Nate was easily able to keep up with the dragon but wanted to keep further back in the group so he could try to remember the looks of all the people he'll be getting to know. While he did this Xalanth was looking at all the dragons from his perch on Nate's shoulder. The two stuck behind when they reached the post saying the rooms each of them would be in, allowing Allan to see first. [i]He has to get used to me not being beside him to comfort him all the time,[/i] Nate thought as he sees his brother tense up. The brown haired boy was about to go up to Al and help when he sees his brother's mountain dragon move, leading Allan away from what troubled him. [i]That dragon of his will help make me not being around easier for him.[/i] After Al left with his dragon, Nate went up to the post himself. [i]Vincent...who was that again?[/i] Nate didn't remember being introduced by any Vincents so it must've been one of the people who he saw later on as they were walking. "I guess there's only one way to find out, huh Xalanth?" He asks his storm dragon who gave him a confused look. With a chuckle Nate pets his dragon and starts walking, "we go to our room and whoever enters it while we're there is our roommate!" At being told what was happening Xalanth chirped in understanding as he and his owner head over to their apartment.