[quote]Capt. Melchizedek Godfrey, Final Entery. A large fleet of both Capitol and Dreadnaught class ships numbering near 50 drifted slowly and cautiously through the vastness of space. There was a small moon in view enough that you could begin to make out its geological structures; each valley and peak distinct where is sits, but paled in comparison to the overall make of the moon itself. The fleet of large ships served as escort to an even larger structure that was shaped like a skinny, but long, tube with a shaft through the middle. The middle part was large enough that any one of the escort ships could easily pass through it, if not for the shaft. The inner wall of the tube was lined with particle accelerators numbering 10 in all. This was a weapon of the like that had never been seen before; a Worm Hole Engine, and it was made for a single purpose; Destroy the main stay of the L1Z1X to force a surrender. The moon in the distance was the last rendezvous for the United Factions Fleet where the Capital Ships would break off escort and be partially replaced by Dreadnaughts, and from there they would close the rest of the distance needed to fire the WHE. It was a two week journey they needed to complete through L1Z1X territory, but thanks to some earlier planning the trek should go uneventful. It was what they had prepped for that made them lax and over-look the true threat, but I would not blame them for they were not ready to go against such a cunning foe. Amidst the UF Fleet my ship follows in Ghost Impulse, and we are ready to strike. After running the calculations, and simulation thereof, at any moment the UF will have to start the Particle accelerators so that once they reach safe firing distance they are ready to commence the firing sequence. It is at this start up, during the swapping of ship escorts that the Forward Spear shall initiate its final assault causing the WHE to collapse forming a temporary singularity that will destroy most if not all the UF escort fleet. I have no regrets, and I do not fear what is to come. Capt. Melchizedek Godfrey, End log.[/quote] [indent][indent][i]It is hard to explain what it was like when ripping through the singularity, I guess you could say it is… was… it’s like if you were to have an out of body experience while having an out of body experience. I felt like I was watching myself watch myself, like a mirror of a mirror. If there was any physical sensation I wouldn’t be able to describe it, nor can I remember it, just a lot of shaking and groaning, and dark… very dark. I could tell I was still aboard the Forward Spear, but the physical plane seemed to melt away and cease to be relevant. Time, that is a joke, what I can remember took only a fraction of a second, but felt like an eternity on my body. The only reason I can put a benchmark on our travel through the singularity is because we struck something on our way out… in… through… it is hard to say for even my mechanical mind.[/i][/indent][/indent] The [i]Forward Spear[/i] came careening out of the singularity much like a log jutting out of the water after being fully submerged. A great rush of speed threw them and bits of metal from other ships out into the empty space of this new uncharted territory. “Stabilize speed, come to a halt and engage Ghost Impulse!” Captain Godfrey ordered as the crew came to after breaking the daze left by the singularity. “Captain, Engines are at only 40%, and the Ghost Drive is on cooldown.” One of the deck officers replied as he began to assess the entirety of the damage. “We have minor hull damage from derbies that traveld with us, decks 8 and 9 in C Block are losing atmosphere, and weapons system are resetting due to a power overload, presumably from the singularity. Reactor is operating at 75%.” “Casualties are being reported for the breached decks,” another crewman called out. “Ten in all and twenty-four injured, Captain.” “Have Medical prepped to receive them, and focus what power we have on restoring weapons.” Looking down at the screen on the arm of his chair he pressed one of the buttons labeled Eng Comm “Kaz, I want two teams to begin repairs.” “Aye Captain, Where to?” The Chief Engineer called back as he waved his had around relaying nonverbal instructions to his crews. “I am sure you are already aware and sending a team to the breached decks.” “Affirmative, we also have a few men working on some spot repairs for around the engine rooms.” “Good, always thinking on your feet. Send a team to check weapons as well. I want a report in 20.” “Aye Captain, Will do.” The Comm cut and Mel stood next to his chair for a moment thinking through what else needed done. They didn’t really have a protocol for post singularity travel so Mel was simply treating it as a post battle situation. “Captain, we have contact at our aft.” A crewman called out from the Radar Station with a hint of questioning his own discovery. Next to him was the general communications officer who was looking rather confused at what he was attempting to decipher. “Is it the United Factions?” Mel asked making his way to the terminal where the crewman sat. “Negative, unless it is a life boat of sorts, it is putting off some odd signals.” Mel and the crewman looked intently at the data coming in from the radar. “What is their position, and how much can they see?” Mel asked now noticing the Communications Officer. “They are almost directly to our Aft, and far enough away that they would not be able to judge size.” “Captain, I have a… I guess you could call it a communication… it is very-“ “Communications, report!” Mel was getting impatient with his stammering. “Sir, I will out it up for you to see!” The Communications Officer pressed a few buttons on his screen and keyboard before a low resolution image and audio began playing. [quote="Broadcast via UHF and VHF Radio/Television][color=red]"Greetings from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I am Commander Venera Romanova," she paused as the commsman shuffled cue cards. Her message was being recorded on tape before broadcast. "We were on a mission of peace and love before being thrown through a passage in spacetime. Make no mistake, however, this ship is armed, and we are capable of defending ourselves." She tucked a stray black hair back into her regulation bun. Hopefully the camera wouldn't pick up the hair waving in the lack of gravity. "So. Prove yourself friendly, and we shall be friendly in kind. Prove yourself hostile, and we will bury you." She emphasized this last sentence with her fist against the table.[/color][/quote] “Ready Shadow Squad, once at a stop come about Starboard side and hold position.” Mel was not a man to act rashly, but he would not be threatened by a ship and crew that came up just larger than the derbies that followed them.