Gaige was never exactly the most socially perceptive individual. Usually she found herself too caught up in her own mind, which wandered a lot, to notice a lot of people's social cues. So the fact that Terra appeared to be shell shocked and swimming the proverbial canoe over the waterfall in her own head and Gaige noticed meant that this was bad bad bad. Then the green-haired magic girl freaked out, nearly going all Carrie on them by slinging fire around. Gaige's horse reared back and the small teenager found herself tumbling to the ground, accidentally dropping her pistol which instantly stored itself away. [color=royalblue]"Ooph!"[/color] The mechromancer stood up to see Terra charging away, still freaked. All Gaige could muster was a befuddled, [color=royalblue]"...Ok?"[/color] Hildebrand suggested they all go after her, which Gaige had some reservations about but ultimately knew she would agree. Scout's words only reinforced the course of action she knew she'd have no choice but to go with. She climbed back up on her horse after taking a moment to calm it down, then said, [color=royalblue]"You know Scout, you're going to have to prove this awesomeness you keep talking about. Let's see if you can keep up with THE GOD OF DAMAGE!"[/color] With that Gaige spurred her horse on fast as she could make it go, getting herself an early lead on her two remaining companions. It'd probably be best for her to be in the lead anyway, since she already tagged Terra as a party member and thus could track the woman's position on her ECHO map. [@Scarifar][@Prince of Seraphs]