[b]Name:[/b] Nick Tylin [b]Age:[/b] 43 [b]Rank/Position:[/b] Commander, First Officer [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Big Photo][img]http://media.thecelebrityauction.co/picture/c/83/CwMdBE5KXRpWTR8MBhEYG1oXClwGDkwbCxcMGgAaE0oTAREKEQkRVUNfRENXQF0AABdKNS8jLCY6JCY2NkwBU0VWFUYjEUg+HBMG/XzEiTR0ZEw==.jpg[/img][/hider] At 178cm, or 5"10', Nick was of average height, and had an average yet physically fit build. His hair was greying and he kept a thinnish beard which was strangely scruffy and tidy at the same time. Off duty he wore glasses while preferring to wear contact lenses while on duty, he refused to have the simple corrections done to his eyes by starfleet medical, often heard saying "It's in the family tradition to wear glasses". [b]Personality:[/b] Straight talking, what you see is what you get with Nick. He does not hide his thoughts if he thinks they will have any impact on the situation. Extrovert without being arrogant or overbearing. One thing that people always notice is how Nick makes friends very easily, and this is usually attributed to his sincerity and open nature. [b]History:[/b] Growing up in rural Ireland, Nick was always known to the other kids as a bit of a nerd. He didn't fit in with the other farmers' kids in the area, more interested in books than tractors. Well, that was not entirely true, the tractors were the only part of farming he did like. After going to school in the nearest town and doing well in mathematics and physics he decided to, at the annoyance of his father, leave Ireland and head to Star Fleet Academy in San Fransisco where he Majored in engineering with minors in astrophysics and astronavigation. Despite a few of his fellow Academy attendees becoming very well known within star fleet in later years, he never met any of them until years later when he met Commander Sisco (now Captain) during a visit to Deep Space 9. Other notable attendees during his time included Commander Riker and Lieutenant Commander La Forge, but Nick has never met either of them. His First assignment when he graduated was on the Geo-Terraforming Vessel USS Strata where he performed well in the engineering department being quickly promoted to Lieutenant Jr. Grade after suggesting actions which led to the saving of the warp core during an overload during a freak electronic storm. After reaching the rank of Lieutenant Commander he was offered the Chief Engineering post on the USS Dublin during its construction at Mars. He spent more time in the drydock than on the actual ship but it was a post that he enjoyed greatly. It was nearing the end of construction when he was promoted to Commander and given a list of ships requiring first officers while also being offered the command of Starbase 185 which was on the edge of federation space. He didn't like the sound of being so far from everything so he applied for the First Officer position on the USS Orion for which he was accepted. When the Dominion War broke out many ships were lost but the tough little Miranda Class survived, as it had for many years before, and was now being sent to Romulus with Ambassador Spock to talk to the Romulans who had mostly kept to themselves for many decades. [b]Skills:[/b] Engineering skills from past experience as CEO of the Steamrunner class USS Dublin. Diplomacy skills from base personality. Marginally above average phaser rifle marksman skills but below average, yet passable sidearm phaser skills. [b]Other:[/b] He likes cats, and enjoys strategy games. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [u]One Week after promotion, USS Dublin, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars[/u] "Lieutenant Commander Tylin, I am very happy to see this promotion to the rank of Commander, your work on the Dublin has been exemplary and the ship should be ready to launch within a few months." "Thank you, Sir." Tylin replied to the Admiral with a smile on his face, he already knew the schedule for the launch but he did not comment on this to the high ranking man. This was his chance to move out of the Sol system and see more of the galaxy. He had been here too long for his liking and hoped there was a ship willing to have him as First Officer. He had been offered the commanding position on Starbase 185, out beyond Romulan space, but would only take that as a last resort. The Admiral continued, "We have reviewed your request to join the USS Orion and it has been approved, your application has now been sent on to the Captain of the ship." he held out a had and Nick shook it. "I wish you good luck, they will be lucky to have a First Officer with such skills as yours." The Admiral left him standing in his own office on board the Dublin where he stood for a moment thinking about the spontaneous visit. The first he had heard of the Admiral's visit was that morning, when the admiral's ship had left Earth orbit, sending the message of the upcoming inspection as it did. Everyone on the Dublin was rushing to get things in order for the Admiral's arrival and Nick knew he was not the only one shocked when the Admiral had asked to speak to him in private. Admiral Velinov had not been present at the awarding ceremony for his promotion the week before but had been present throughout the construction of the Dublin and had been on board for inspections many times. He was not on duty now, the Captain would now be leading the Admiral on the inspection tour of the Security and Armament departments so Nick could relax. He would, of course, have to be present for the Engineering Inspection later but that was not due for a few more hours so he headed to the transporter room and beamed to the mess hall in the surface facility below for a quick lunch, he knew engineering was in order and was not worried about an inspection this late in construction.