[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/81/3f/93/813f937081203737eebaa3bb3b0b9ee1.jpg[/img] Name: Ironvar Ironbeard Age: 30 Class Type: Warrior Gear: Two iron Axes known as "Swithstrike and Murder". Which were his Family Heirlooms. Hide armor. Amulet to Talos and a Half-Empty Bottle of Ale Bio?: Ironvar was born a Nord to a family of Blacksmiths. living in the city of Windhelm, However the Thalmor had his family Executed for Worshiping Talos, He swore an oath to get revenge for his family's death and to kill every last member of the Thalmor and all who supported them. When the Storm cloak revolution came about it didn't take long for him to consider joining. However history was not on the Stormcloaks side, Ironvar fled and spent his life trying to reach the bottom of a Bottle of ale. One day a man came to the bar, told him to stop drinking and get his life back together. Ironvar told the man to go screw himself, and in return the Man challenged him to a fight. If the Man won, Ironvar would join the Companion's and put his Fury to good work. if Ironvar won. He would be allowed to drink himself into oblivion. The Man won easily and revealed himself to be the Dragonborn. Ironvar is a Man of his word and joined the Companions. but when the Dragonborn was captured. Ironvar knew what he must do. More Info?: as you can tell you should definitely keep him away from Booze, Elves and Especially the Thalmor. He really loves his Two Axes and will kill anyone who tries to take it away from him. He openly wears the Talos Amulet as a challenge to the Thalmor.