[1.2] William was on his way back from another successful caravan run. A big bag with money ( golden coins , idk what currency is accepted in this world so... ) handing near his leg. He was not afraid of thieves or things alike. Turli was polished a day ago and it was gleaming in the morning sun. Nobody would attack him. Most people in Rockshore knew him by reputation alone and thieves knew better than to try to steal from the Golden Hand. He went back to the blacksmith to put yet another diamond into Turli's hilt. The blacksmith , a big bulky human just opened the shop and he had no customers. "[color=red]Good morning George ![/color]" said William , with a smile on his face. George looked at William for awhile. George was getting old and his eyes were not what they used to be. Finally he recognized William. "[color=red]Good morning Mister Hand! You finally came to sell that old sword ? [/color] " " [color=red]Don't even joke about that old man. Turli is not for sale and it will never be as long as I am alive.[/color] said William , anger showing up on his face. "[color=red]Ok...ok. Then if you are not here to sell me that sword. Why are you here ?[/color] said George , a little sad. "[color=red]Turli needs a new diamond to be put in her hilt. It's the last one. 12 diamonds for each bandit.[/color] "[color=red]William. There were 12 diamonds for each day you spent weeping for your wife last time you came here.[/color] George stated. " [color=red]Old man. It doesn't matter. Here are the money and the diamond. Take good care of her. I will have your skin if something happens to her.[/color]. With that said William takes a blood red diamond from his pack and 10 pieces of golden coins and puts them on the table. On his way back home one of his servants started running towards him. "[color=red]Master ! Master ![/color] said the servant with half breath. " [color=red]What is it , Alex , something wrong ?[/color] " "[color=red]We received word just now. A Blackborn was seen on the road to Rivendale , he will be there in a few days.[/color] " the servant clearly looked spooked and with breath. " [color=red] Blackborn...that's not a good sign. When Blackborn come here , it means only one thing. Trouble and there is money to be made when trouble is about...Prepare my horse. I shall ride there. [/color] " The servant left running back to the house to ready the horse and William went to take his sword back ( and the diamond + money ) and went to take his horse. Something was up and money could be made.