“Dropping out of hyperspace… in just a sec now.” Said the young navigator with an almost goofy smile. “Good, dial the gate as soon as we drop out.” The colonel replied. The blinding light of the accretion disk around the black hole illuminated the segments that made up the circular gigantic structure. Barely visible, a small blue flash of light in the distance. Out of the hyperspace window emerged the Helios. “Twenty thousand meters from the gate.” Luna added while punching in various algorithms into the holographic display in order to set course for the gate. The colonel, in the meantime entered his authentication code into the pad on his armchair which was required in order to dial the supergate. It wouldn’t be much of a security measure if anyone could dial the gate at any time. A few motions of the hand later, Luna’s display had a schematic of the supergate in front of her and she initiated the dialing procedure. Bolts of energy spread from one section of the gate to the next while the gate drew power from the black hole itself. The glow of pure energy spread in circular motion until the whole ring was brightly lit up. A few seconds later a wave of blue energy expanded from the ring towards the center and then outwards in another massive wave extending to certain distance before retreating back to the center of the gate. The inside of the ring now contained the event horizon of the wormhole, which looked like a massive but calm puddle of water. “We’ve got a connection.” Luna said. The weapons officer, Major Fields suddenly spoke out. “Colonel, I’m detecting two hyperspace windows. Wraith signatures.” “Raise shields!” The colonel spat out. “Two hive ships, bearing down on our position.” The major clarified. The deep bangs of the weapons-fire hitting the shields began resonating throughout the ship. They hadn’t had time to properly patch up the power grid from their last engagement. Despite having shields at almost full strength sparks began lighting up the bridge as circuitry overloaded, indicating the power grid was struggling to keep with the energy absorbed by the asgard shields. “Transfer all power from weapons to shields and engines. We can’t fight them in our condition. We just have to make it through the gate.” The colonel ordered. Lights flickered on the bridge, as the ship gave it all to accelerate towards the gate. Bombardment on the shields suddenly stopped and Major Fields quickly gave sit-rep. “The Hive ships switched target, they’re firing on the gate.” From the knowledge they had, attempts to destroy supergates had been made in the past, unsuccessfully, and therefore gave no further thought to, continuing with their current effort to make it through the gate. Moments later the ship passed through the event horizon and the same time the puddle began flickering. The Helios did not emerged from a singularity but rather simply materialized out of thin air. It was due the way stargates functioned. They dematerialize something before sending it to the other of the wormhole and did not require a singularity for the creation of a wormhole. The instant the ship and crew was rematerialized, they knew something was wrong. The Helios was subjected to G-forces which not even the inertial dampeners could compensate for. The hull creaked violently under the immense stress and power throughout the ship failed, lights going out with it. Everyone on the bridge was on the floor, some unconscious, others groaning in pain. The colonel cumbersomely pulled himself up, using the commander’s chair for leverage. He instinctively pressed his hand against his lower chest trying in vain to stop the pain. There were definitely some broken ribs. Seeing Major Luna on the floor he immediately went over to check on her. She was unconscious and bleeding from a head wound. Major Fields was in better shape and also stood up looking around trying to assess the situation. The few other officers at the back of the bridge around the holographic map slowly got up as well and the colonel motioned two who seemed in the best shape. “Get her to the infirmary.” He and one of the officers lifted Luna off the ground and then the other took over. While Luna was being carried away Colonel Mills sat in the navigation officer’s chair. Timing couldn’t have been better as lights flickered back on. Fields sat back down and gave a quick rundown of the situation. “Shields are completely depleted and we’re venting atmosphere. Asgard beam weapons are offline and I can’t even get a reading on the missile tubes, sir.” The colonel nodded and went through the status of the propulsion systems. “Looks like Hyperdrive is completely shot and sublight is offline. We’re down to maneuvering thrusters and we definitely did not arrive at our intended destination.” “Comms are down throughout the ship and we’re picking two additional vessels on our sensors… one looks like variation of a Saturn V rocket? It’s also broadcasting video and audio on UHF and VHF rather than using a subspace comunique. In addition there are a number of individuals in space suits stationed around the vessel in what appears to be a defensive formation. Lifesigns are human. The second seems to be a frigate sized vessel.” Major Fields further reported. The colonel gave the major a confused look as he mentioned the first being a traditional rocket. “Let’s hear the transmission from the rocket.” The colonel said as he stood up from the navigators chair and sat back down in the commander’s chair. A central holo-display played the recording. [quote="Broadcast via UHF and VHF Radio/Television][color=red]"Greetings from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I am Commander Venera Romanova," she paused as the commsman shuffled cue cards. Her message was being recorded on tape before broadcast. "We were on a mission of peace and love before being thrown through a passage in spacetime. Make no mistake, however, this ship is armed, and we are capable of defending ourselves." She tucked a stray black hair back into her regulation bun. Hopefully the camera wouldn't pick up the hair waving in the lack of gravity. "So. Prove yourself friendly, and we shall be friendly in kind. Prove yourself hostile, and we will bury you." She emphasized this last sentence with her fist against the table.[/color][/quote] At the end the transmission just looped back to the beginning and also left both the Mills and Fields with incredulous expressions on their faces. “Soviets?” Fields asked. The colonel glanced at the major and gave it a moment’s thought. “Open a channel on the same frequencies to the rocket ship and also broadcast it to the frigate as directed comm bursts on all frequencies. Additionally have F-302 squadrons Alpha and Beta on stand by just in case that frigate tries to pull something. They haven't stated their intentions yet.” “Yes, sir.” Major Fields complied. [quote][color=00aeef]“This is colonel Darius Mills, commander of the United States Air Force Vessel Helios. We do not wish to engage in any form of hostilities.”[/color][/quote] The colonel then muted the channel. “As soon as ship-wide comms are back online, notify Dr. Rose and Engineer Foley to meet in the briefing room for debriefing.”