[center] [img]https://65.media.tumblr.com/4eb07eb69a9fcac3ed48c59d81fb78a3/tumblr_ocdta6zFXd1sk9phao1_540.jpg[/img] Name: Bela Daroczy Age: 310 (turned at 31) Affiliation: Mercer clan (loosely) Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JrHK6lQSKk]Die Schlinge - Oomph![/url] Background: work in progress Bela has a history of being hot-blooded and prone to violence, even as a human. But when he was human, it was a little more about passion than anger. Bela was nothing more than an average foot soldier to the Kingdom of Hungary near the decline of its state. He was reasonably talented in raw combat and had a streak of luck to survive many battles. He despised being a soldier, not for the dirty and gory lifestyle, but for the taking orders. His disrespect for authority cost him opportunities for advancement in the chain of command. Being a soldier also meant he had little time to spend with a wife and family. He married a farm girl named Helená, unremarkable in station, but whom Bela adored. By the time Bela was 31, together they had three surviving children - two boys, János and Imre, and a little girl, Ana. He met his end along with the end of the Kingdom of Hungary, fighting in the Battle of Mohács. The battle could have been won, but his military leaders were incompetent. He was struck down and was among the dead and dying when the battle ended, along with thousands of other men. Unlike the others, however, Bela wasn't dead when vampire scavengers came to feed on the battlefield. He wasn't even unconscious - he was awake to see a rogue vampire descend upon him, and had the instinct to fight, but none of the strength. When the scavengers failed to drain every last drop of blood from him, Bela began the agonizing process of becoming a vampire. He managed to deliriously crawl off the battlefield into a nearby bog, and he remained there for weeks, suffering, feeding off the bodies, and terrorizing those coming near to collect the bodies. It took weeks to mentally recover enough to have coherent thoughts about Helená. It took several more to fully realize what had happened to him. Only then did he set out to return home, despite his new state of being. It took at least a month for Bela to return home, between the disorientation he'd suffered, coming to terms with his new blessings and curses, not the least of which was becomingly increasingly more violent and unpredictable. His welcome home was miserable. Bela arrived in his home village late one night to find that Helená had remarried. She'd been told he was dead, was encouraged to remarry quickly for the sake of their children, and was absolutely terrified to see him again, especially in his new state. Bela's already fragile mind couldn't hope to contain itself. He murdered her new husband in a fit of rage and immediately fled the village. Furious and with nothing left, Bela went out with the full intent of tearing away from his old life. Much of the next 200 years only served that function, and served it violently. He traveled from town to town, sometimes on a nightly basis, picking fights, brushing with the law, having sex with whores, taking the odd mercenary or bounty hunter job. He killed one or two military higher-ups he did recognize from his soldier days, though he rarely came across any after thirty years or so. He once came across the vampire who turned him, the face of whom he vaguely remembered. Bela dismembered him and burned his limbs. If asked, Bela couldn't say why he joined the Mercer clan. He hates taking orders and hates restraining his impulses. He has little respect for Elizabeth. The only understanding they explicitly have is one that promises that Bela knows what has to be done and will do it, as long as Elizabeth doesn't order him to. Perhaps a nicer place and a regular meal appealed to him, for a little while. Perhaps he merely wants access to Nadya, whom he openly lusts after. Perhaps, deep down, he can't forget what it felt like to have a family and is desperate to feel having one again. But he still hates being low in the hierarchy, being in a family that isn't his. ~~~ Bela's place in the ruse of the clan is to pose as Kilroy's son from his first marriage. He tends to enjoy playing husband to Nadya and will not hesitate to milk it. [/center]