[center][h2][color=LightCyan]Emily Coison[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/TqSr6xy.gif[/img] [b]Interacting with[/b] [@Rage Lonethorn][/center] [hr] [color=LightCyan]"If you think that's funny I think you should get a better sense of humour,"[/color] Emily says dryly with a sigh, tugging on her raven ponytail with a sigh. Crossing her arms she gave a grudging acceptance yet ceased to offer one of her own, even if it was what was morally right. [color=LightCyan]"Who are you? That's a very broad question, I am many things. If you're just awsking for my name though, I'm Emily. What is your name?"[/color] [color=LightCyan]"First year?"[/color] Emily gave a snicker, [color=LightCyan]Sweetie, this is my third year. You first years are adorable though. So naive. I remember those days. If you wanted a shopping centre you're gonna have to do a bit of walking, it's quite a hike from here. Unless you have advanced speed because of your species or whatever. There's a cafe here though,"[/color] She looks over the man. This was always (not) the fun part, figuring out [i]what [/i]they were. He appeared human, well human enough. A rather eccentric human but human nonetheless. That opened a look of spots. Damn, why is almost every creature humanoid or had a human form? Then again, Emily was more than happy to appear mostly human. She doubted she'd enjoy appearance, well, anything else really. She inspected him once more, her hazel eyes trying to seek out something that would dictate what this man was. Finally defeated, she gives up her inquisitive gaze and rests on the balls of her feet. She tugs tge hairband out of her raven hair and allowed it to fall down her back before completely admitting defeat, [color=LightCyan]"What are you then?"[/color]