[@lydyn] I looked back at what you mentioned and made edits based on that, so that means I took out "Enhanced" in the strength section and made it sound like more suitable. I also kept the part saying he's the smartest person you'll ever meet but before that it does say his power is "Super Intelligence" and I believe that was all, but if I missed something do let me know. [hider=Chris Freeman] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/jdAwUUD.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Chris Freeman [b]Alias:[/b] Fang [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Chris is kind to everyone and has been taught to be honest to his loved ones. He is friendly, funny, and always finds a way to cheer up someone if their having a bad day. Yet at the same time when he's in combat Chris takes things very seriously and will basically give his life for his teammates if needed. [b]Quirks:[/b] Chris likes inventing and will do it whenever he's free, and unless it's real important he tends to shut out other people and go into deep train of thought (sometimes he can be there for hours on end.) [b]Likes:[/b] Inventing new things, books, training, and doing the right thing. [b]Fears:[/b] Losing those that are close to him, failing, and carnivals (not really a fear more like it sends chills down his spine.) [b]History:[/b] Chirs was born in Detroit into a weird mix of parents. His dad was a well known scientist looking to make Detroit a better place, and his mother was a heavily christian women. Despite the two being almost complete opposites in terms of beliefs they actually got along really well and loved each other. And actually Chris' real name was Jesus... Long story short his father was busy so his mom got the privilege of naming him on the spot, so for basically his whole life most of his friends called him "the Jesus of Suburbia." He was sent to a very poor school which was one gang fight away from closing for good, but it wasn't all that bad because when he wasn't in school he was in his father's lab. Chris was always intrigued by what his father did always inventing new things to better peoples lives. So when he was old enough Chris got a part time job in his father's lab assisting him and the other scientists in anyway he could. One day though it was only him and his father in the lab, and Chris was carrying a trey of chemicals for his father. Most of them were stable so it wasn't a problem but his father had an urgent phone call so he told Chris what to do with them and left for a short period of time. His father immediately regretted what he did that day because when he came back Chris was on the floor and the chemicals were all over the table and on him. After being rushed to the E.R. it was discovered that Chris was now because of the accident blind. His father never forgave himself for what happened and he halted everything else just to fix this. All other projects were given out to the other scientists and all his time was spent trying to give sight back to his son. It took two years but his father did it he found a way for Chris to see. It was a pair of glasses mixed some an enhancements and a neural up link to Chris' brain. From that point on Chris grew up changed his name from Jesus to Chris, and did what he was best suited for which was being a hero. He made his own gear and took on the name Fang. [b]Powers:[/b]Super Intelligence - Chris is basically the smartest person you will ever meet. [b]Strengths:[/b] High tolerance to pain, Quick speed and agility, and a great multitask-er [b]Weaknesses:[/b] He doesn't care for himself and combat only if his teammates get out safely that's all that matters, and he's still human so he's sort of easy to kill. [b]Skills:[/b] He's really smart so he can hack, invent, take apart, etc. (you know things really smart people can do.), great at swordplay, can read braille, and has basic knowledge of cooking (he makes a mean ramen.) [b]Gear[/b] Sword and Sheath - Chris carries a sword and sheath of his own design. The sword itself is a hilt that is capable of being able to replace or switch a blade when needed. This is done by the sheath which has a rotatory chamber filled with different types of blades also of his own designed. They are given a color dependent on what that type of blade does. Mask - Chris invented a mask with his father's same technology that allows him to see, but the mask has no eye holes it instead has built in HUD only Chris can see. So while the mask has no eye holes he can still see as if there were maybe even better than that. [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/285/9/f/Bioshock_Splicer_Mask_by_xXLifeIsAGardenXx.jpg]The mask looks like this[/url] few short glowing red lines on it. [b]Rumors:[/b] He can take out a hundred men without taking one step.[/hider]