[quote=@LeeRoy] [@ImportantNobody] Kanitah never spoke while exceeding super sonic speeds. That was because he'd outrun his words and the impact would be lost. If they sped up the way they talked, it would still be the same tone. Since it's the same vocal chords. [/quote] Unless he "Fus Roh Da"'d it and has his words turn into a sonic boom that smack people like a brick. XD By outrunning the words, wouldn't the words come out but just not move as fast as him unless the vibrations can't leave his mouth and get too compressed (which could be solved by running backwards so the sound waves do come out but stretched out? Huh...). Basically, could he speak and move so fast that he will hear himself speak again once he stops. The answer should be yes. Usually when audio is speed up it goes much higher pitch. Are you saying that, perhaps, this is a flaw of recordings so if it was strictly vocal chords talking faster it would still sound the same?