Name: Kevin Peudo. Age: 22 Description: (image or typed is fine) Occupation: Guard Branch of government worked for: (Don’t know what to put here sorry) Location you were working in: Hospital History: Kevin was born in a middle class family and is the youngest of seven children in his family, His mother was a teacher and his father was a bartender and for most of his childhood he was mostly ignored by his parents being taken care of by his third oldest sister and fifth oldest brother. He would get in trouble in elementary school and high school his only interest in high school was cars working in the workshop. When he left high school he did not go to college and became a security guard first for a pharmacy company and then for a bank before finally becoming a guard for the asylum. Personality: Kevin is a bit of brute hating to be undermined and does not mind using his muscles to do the work rather then his brain, He likes to look tough in front of people doing anything to convey this images of himself. Although he puts on his tough guy persona he does care about people whom he either feels sympathy for or when if he is close to someone. Skills: Good with cars, As strong as a bodybuilder, And Lockpicking. Likes: Caring people, Cats, and Cars. Dislikes: Abusive people, Dogs and Smart people. Extra: Loves Chocolate.