[@Raijinslayer] Understandable. Seems like things slowed down a bit when people had their OC's begin going to the banquet. [@Beloss] Ah. I have seen a few of those sorts of places, at least when searching for servant ideas via Google at some points in the past. Those sorts of boards can be interesting and have some solid ideas, though can also produce some odd and albeit fun or even silly apps as well. For example, i once found an app where someone made Sakura Matou as a Counter guardian who was summoned as a Caster-class servant into the 5th Grail War. Thank you for letting me jot down those ideas though. If you ever felt like PM'ing me information about Yuknoom and Makoma either here or on fanfiction.net (if you are on that site) as well, then i wouldn't mind. Having information on hand is helpfful if i want to possibly go and use one of those ideas in the future. As for my own standby's when it has come to the Fate Roleplays i have been able to be a part of, this is actually the first one where i have used a canon servant. I usually try to come up with a new servant in each one i join, though if i ever need to fall back on something i have already made i have a Saber/Berserker "Chi You" app, most of a Jason (leader of the Argonauts) app, and have definitely enough information from Wikipedia and other sites along with part of an app to work with already in order to make either Hunahpu or perhaps Xbalanque (either one of the Maya Hero Twins basically) as a servant. Ah, Bodvar Bijarki! Saw a little about him when i was researching Skuld once. Isn't he the individual that, when he is sleeping, can project his spirit away from his body and have it fight in the form of a bear? It has been a while since i saw his name last, so i could perhaps be wrong! XD [u]A quick question to everyone here though[/u]: Does anyone know of a currently living and/or new Fate Roleplay that needs members either here or on fanfiction.net? If this roleplay stays alive i will go ahead and stay, but i just ask this because i want to look at other possible options in the future in the case this roleplay officially dies.