[quote=@Mae] You've done a great job balancing her loadout - i'm happy with all of it!! The only thing I will say is the Beacon of Hope(and Despair) ability sounds more built for combat then as a skill persay. If you'd like to keep it, I'd say that the effect tends to break during combat (as people are focusing on the fight) but it can still be applied passively during the day (protecting from environmental damage or fear damage caused by being in the radius of something corrupted/horrifying if it isn't a direct attack). This also means your character can boost the willpower of characters who are witnessing another character fight something that would usually cause the bystanders mental damage to behold. Then in terms of undermining willpower, it'd be the same thing. And just so I understand how the ability works - is that 50% over her sanity or 50% over theirs? Feel free to give me a quick example, if you like :D [/quote] Oh, okay, here's what I had in mind for the ability. Since her max sanity is currently 14, if the sanity is over 50% (7), then for every 3 points of sanity she has over 7, allies gain 1 willpower. So if she had 13/14 sanity, it would be 13 - 7 = 6, 6/3 = 2, 2 bonus willpower. If it's under 7, then for every 3 points under 7, her allies lose 1 willpower, so if she has 4/14 sanity, she has 3 - 7 = -3, -3 / 3 = -1, -1 willpower for everyone. So this early on, it's basically +1/+2 willpower for party. I'll add the out of combat bit on, too.